Fluentd output plugin to post message to xymon
Install gem
fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-xymon
config_param :xymon_server, :string
config_param :xymon_port, :string, :default => '1984'
config_param :color, :string, :default => 'green'
config_param :hostname, :string
config_param :testname, :string
config_param :name_key, :string
config_param :custom_determine_color_code, :string, :default => nil
type xymon
xymon_port 1984
color green
hostname web-server-01
testname CPU
name_key CPUUtilization
custom_determine_color_code if value.to_i > 90; 'red'; else 'green'; end
set ruby code of determinate color to custom_determine_color_code.
time, record, value
custom_determine_color_code return 'green'
custom_determine_color_code if value > 90; 'red'; else 'green'; end
ignore :color if custom_determine_color_code is exist and valid. use :color if custom_determine_color_code is noting or invalid
server didn't respond
- use config color value
- write warn log
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request
- 2013/08/09 0.0.0 1st release
- 2013/08/10 0.0.1 bash0C7#1