A simple distribute spider based on scrapy framework.
$ apt-get install curl libffi-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev -y
$ apt-get install mongodb -y
$ cd raindrop-spider
$ virtualenv env
$ source env/local/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirement.txt
$ cd raindrop-spider
$ mkdir /etc/scrapyd
$ cp etc/scrapyd.conf /etc/scrapyd
$ source env/local/bin/activate
$ scrapyd
open a new ssh tab, excute commands to deploy scrapy spider on scrapyd server
$ cd raindrop-spider
$ source env/local/bin/activate
$ cd spider
$ scrapyd-deploy
params: uid is the sns account id that you wanna spider
$ curl http://localhost:6800/schedule.json -d project=spider -d spider=gh_user -d uid=account-id
1.check log
you would see the logs below if the spider task succeed
2015-10-22 15:44:44+0000 [-] Process started: project='spider' spider='gh_user'
job='cf1e9a2678d311e5bdd5080027880ca6' pid=4199
2015-10-22 15:44:47+0000 [-] Process finished: project='spider' spider='gh_user'
job='cf1e9a2678d311e5bdd5080027880ca6' pid=4199
2.check mongodb
you could check mongodb after seconds
$ mongo
> use raindrop
you can check the collections by command like this
> show collections
you can check data in collections by commad like this
> db.gh_user.find({})