README Version 1.5
Browse YouTube in CLI with fzf without YouTube Data API.
I'm beginner. This program will not work if YouTube changes things. And it will take long time to push fix.
Some codes and English will wrong. If you find something, please use Github issues feel free.
youtube-fzf: Browse YouTube in CLI with fzf without YouTube Data API. Repository: License: GNU General Public Lisence 3 Subscribed channels database: value of YOUTUBE_FZF_DATABASE environmental valuables mode:
youtube-fzf: Read from subscribed channels database youtube-fzf [OPTIONS]: Womk with option Options:
--videos URL Channel's videos
--lives URL Channel's stream archives
--shorts URL Channel's shorts
--channels URL Channel's urls
--watch URL Video's information
--comments URS Video's comments (depend on youtube-comment-downloader)
-v, --fzf-videos HEADER fzf mode for list of video's url
-c, --fzf-channels HEADER fzf mode for list of channel's url
-q, --query WORDS Search videos from words
-s, --search WORDS Search videos from words and select in fzf mode
-V, --version Show version information
-h, --help Show this help
Ctrl-t: Toggle-preview Ctrl-y: Yank (work on only macOS now) Up: Page-up Down: Page-down Run `man fzf' and get more informations.
Ctrl-o: Other videos Ctrl-s: Show comments Ctrl-u: Uploader information Ctrl-w: Watch video with mpv fzf-channels:
Ctrl-o: Open channel Ctrl-s: Suggested channels
- More informations
YOUTUBE_FZF_DATABASE : | Subscribed channels database. The default is /dev/stdin . |
YOUTUBE_FZF_TMP : | For debugging, temporary files are created in $YOUTUBE_FZF_TMP .
In default, temporary directory is created by mktemp . |
YOUTUBE_FZF_VIDEOS : | Custom fzf options for fzf-videos. Overwrites default key bindings. |
YOUTUBE_FZF_CHANNELS : | Custom fzf options for fzf-channels. Overwrites default key bindings. |
YOUTUBE_FZF_LANG : | Languages information for query. Support is still incomplete. |
Bourne Shell: | /bin/sh |
curl: | For fetch YouTube API |
fzf: 🌸 A command-line fuzzy finder: | For filter results of videos or channels |
jq: Command-line JSON processor: | For parse JSON file from YouTube API |
mpv: 🎥 Command line video player: | For play YouTube videos |
youtube-dl: Command-line program to download videos from and other video sites: | |
For play YouTube videos with mpv | |
youtube-comment-downloader: Simple script for downloading Youtube comments without using the Youtube API: | |
For watch comments |
Why don't you use YouTube Data API?: | Because of freedom. Use it if you want. |
fzf: 🌸 A command-line fuzzy finder: | Default key bindings of fzf mode |
ytfzf: | Good! Thumbnails, History, and some features will be useful. However, it seems that this script is not able to get videos from channels. |
yt: | Require GNU grep but jqless. Not only channel's videos but also playlists. I haven't understood how to use. |
If you know other similar projects, please let's me know.
- More detailed README
- Description or Background
- Screenshots
- Examples
- Knowledge issues
- More Q&A
- More Reference
- More Similar Projects (other than shell scripts)
- More TODO
- Watch videos without youtube-dl
- Better languages support
- Use variables with
- Exit codes
- Autocomplete
- Support yt-dlp
- Create test
- Automatically Usage update
- Make logo image
- Yank in multi-platform
- More options
- More search results
- Info of deleted videos
- Support URL in description
- Playlist support
- Channel information
- Custom search options
- Better User Agent
- Use shell script instead of youtube-comment-downloader (and jq)
- (Is there any shell script alternative of fzf?)
If you find something, report bugs, or have any requests, questions, suggestations, opnions, or feedbacks, please use Github issues feel free.
This project is under the GNU General Public License Version 3.