Generate a distillery release for Alpine Docker with ease.
Add alpine_release to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:distillery, "~> 1.0"},
{:alpine_release, github: "renderedtext/alpine-release"}
mix release.init
to generate rel/config.exs
configuration file. This file is used by distillery
to build you release, so make sure you have it checked in your version control
system if you plan to build your releases remotely.
More info about the configuration can be found on Distillery docs.
Distillery has some differences compared to exrm in respect to replacing OS variables in your Dockerfiles.
This will work:
but this won't:
For more info, check out distillery github repo.
mix alpine.release
When it finishes, your release can be found in rel/app.tar.gz
and ready to be
injected in any Alpine Based docker image.
You can also specify the environment in which you what the release to be made, for example:
MIX_ENV=test mix alpine.release