Based on the g2-store built by students of gSchool Boulder, August 2014
- Fork and clone this repository
- Install required gems
bundle install
- Create test and development databases
rake db:create:all
- Run the migrations
rake db:migrate
- Run the migrations
rake db:seed
- Get the app running locally
rails server
- View the app in your browser
Users can add reviews to products
When I am on a project show page
And I am a logged in user
Then I can add a review to a product
Users must enter both the review and the rating
When I am on a project show page
And I am a logged in user
And I am adding a review
If I forget to add a rating or comment
Then I should see validation errors
Line breaks in the review should appear on the rendered page
If a user enters line breaks
They should be preserved on the show page
w/ errors