is a Yii extension to create PDFs from web
pages with PHPWkHtmlToPdf (included).
requires the wkhtmltopdf binary to be
installed on your system.
Download the package file and unzip it to the extensions
directory. Note, that you
may want to rename the directory from pdfable-x.y.z
to pdfable
To try out the extension, you can configure the pdfable
example module in your main.php
// Optional: Set path to wkthmltopdf binary
//'bin' => '/usr/bin/wkhtmltopdf',
The module should then be available from http://localhost/index.php?r=pdfable/demo or whatever you use as hostname. I recommend to have a look at this example module's code.
comes as a controller behavior which gets attached through behaviors
class MyController extends Controller
public function behaviors()
return array(
'class' => 'ext.pdfable.Pdfable',
To render single page PDFs from a view file you just call renderPdf()
of render()
. This will convert the view file to a PDF and display it inline in
the browser:
public function actionPdfDemo()
// Render this view as PDF and display inline in the browser:
Just as with render() you can of course also render more complex views with custom data. And if you want to open a download dialog, you can also pass the download filename as 4th argument:
public function actionInvoice($id)
'invoice' => $invoice,
), array(), 'invoice_'.$invoice->id.'.pdf');
The third parameter allows you to pass additional PDF page options to wkhtmltopdf
See advanced configuration below.
PDFs with more than one page (=view) are also possible. Here you would
use the createPdf()
method. It returns a PdfFile
public function actionPortfolio($id)
$portfolio = Portfolio::model()->findByPk($id);
$pdf = $this->createPdf();
'portfolio' => $portfolio,
You can also create PDFs from console commands through the low-level PdfFile
The following example is taken from the example module:
public function actionIndex($filename)
$pdf = new PdfFile;
// We have to set some paths ...
$pdf->baseViewPath = Yii::getPathOfAlias('ext.pdfable.pdfable.views');
$pdf->layoutPath = Yii::getPathOfAlias('ext.pdfable.pdfable.views.layouts');
$pdf->viewPath = Yii::getPathOfAlias('ext.pdfable.pdfable.views.demo');
// ... and supply our custom CSS file
'user-style-sheet' => Yii::getPathOfAlias('ext.pdfable.pdfable.assets.css.pdf').'.css',
If you want to try the example command you can add it to the commandMap
in your console.php
'commandMap' => array(
'demopdf' => array(
'class' => 'ext.pdfable.pdfable.commands.DemopdfCommand',
You then can create an example PDF with ./yiic demopdf --filename=/tmp/demo.pdf
It's recommended to have a look at the PHPWkHtmlToPdf
documentation. All the options described there are also available with PDFable
You can set default PDF options for the document and each page in the
public function behaviors()
return array(
'pdfable' => array(
'class' => 'ext.pdfable.Pdfable',
// Global PDF options (see wkhtmltopdf -H for details)
'pdfOptions' => array(
'bin' => '/usr/bin/wkhtmltopdf', // path to executable (default)
'dpi' => 600,
// Default PDF page options (see wkhtmltopdf -H for details)
'pdfPageOptions' => array(
'page-size' => 'A5',
// You probably always need this, because CSS files from <link>
// tags in your document are ignored
'user-style-sheet' => Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot').'/css/pdf.css',
// Use other tmp directory instead of Yii::app()->runtimePath
'tmpAlias' => 'application.var.tmp',
The behavior uses some hardcoded defaults for document and page options (see PdfFile). Your configuration above will always be merged with these defaults. If you don't like this and want complete freedom instead, then configure the behavior like this:
public function behaviors()
return array(
'pdfable' => array(
'class' => 'ext.pdfable.Pdfable',
'defaultPdfOptions' => array(
// default PDF options here
// could also be an empty array to disable all defaults
'defaultPdfPageOptions' => array(
// default PDF page options here
// could also be an empty array to disable all defaults
You can supply custom wkhtmltopdf
page options along as third parameter to
. The format is the same as for addPage()
in PHPWkHtmlToPdf