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jlxue authored Jul 26, 2022
1 parent bf74605 commit 324f7a9
Showing 1 changed file with 5 additions and 2 deletions.
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions artifacts/
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@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
# OSDI'20 Artifacts Evaluation

OSDI'20 Artifact Evaluation of paper #292, titled "[Rammer: Enabling Holistic Deep Learning Compiler Optimizations with rTasks](".
- OSDI'20 Artifact Evaluation of paper #292, titled "[Rammer: Enabling Holistic Deep Learning Compiler Optimizations with rTasks](".
Please refer to the [osdi20_artifact branch](**

**Please refer to the [osdi20_artifact branch](**

- OSDI'22 Artifact Evaluation of paper #158, titled "[Roller: Fast and Efficient Tensor Compilation for Deep Learning](".
Please refer to the [osdi22_artifact branch](**

1 comment on commit 324f7a9

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@github-actions github-actions bot commented on 324f7a9 Jul 26, 2022

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Unrecognized words, please review:

  • cann't
  • findall
  • Greader
  • hdiv
  • hmul
  • hsub
  • KConfig
  • keepdim
  • LNOp
  • mega
  • orginal
  • reducel
  • tempalte
  • tkey
  • topkconf
  • topkop
  • vgpr
  • wgp
  • zhu
Previously acknowledged words that are now absent AAAa AAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAABBBBBBCCC AAAAABBBBBBCCC ABANDONFONT abcd abcde abcdef ABCDEFG ABCDEFGH ABCDEFGHIJ abcdefghijk ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO abcdefghijklmnop ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCG ABE abf abgr ACCESSTOKEN acec acf acidev ACIOSS ACover actctx ACTCTXW activatable ACTIVEBORDER ACTIVECAPTION ADDALIAS ADDREF ADDSTRING ADDTOOL AEnd AFew AFill AHelper ahz AImpl AInplace ALIGNRIGHT allocing alpc ALTERNATENAME ALTF ALTNUMPAD ALWAYSTIP ansicode ansicpg ANSISYS ANSISYSRC ANSISYSSC antialias antialiasing ANull anycpu AOn APARTMENTTHREADED APCs APIENTRY apimswincoresynchl apiset APPBARDATA appconsult appcontainer APPICON appium applet appletname applicationmodel APPLMODAL appmodel appshellintegration APPWINDOW APrep apsect archeologists architected argb ARROWKEYS asan ASBRST ASBSET ASDF asdfghjkl ASetting askubuntu asmv aspx astextplain AStomps ASYNCWINDOWPOS atch ATest ATTRCOLOR aumid Authenticode AUTOBUDDY AUTOCHECKBOX autogenerated autohide AUTOHSCROLL automagically autopositioning AUTORADIOBUTTON autoscrolling Autowrap AVerify AVI AVX awch azuredevopspodcast azurewebsites azzle backgrounded Backgrounder backgrounding backport backstory barbaz Batang Bazz BBBBB BBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBDDDD BBBBBCCC BBBBCCCCC BBDM BBGGRR bbwe bcount bcrypt bcx bcz BEFOREPARENT beginthread bgcolor bgfx bgidx Bgk BGR BGRA BHID biblioscape bigobj binplace binplaced bitcoin bitcrazed bitflag bitmask BITOPERATION bitsavers bitset BKCOLOR BKGND Bksp Blt BLUESCROLL BODGY BOLDFONT BOOLIFY bools Bopomofo Borland BOTTOMLEFT BOTTOMRIGHT boutput boxheader BPBF bpp BPPF branchconfig brandings BRK Browsable bsearch Bspace bstr BTNFACE bufferout buffersize buflen bugfix buildtransitive BUILDURI burriter BValue bytearray bytebuffer cac cacafire capslock CARETBLINKINGENABLED CARRIAGERETURN cascadia catid cazamor CBash cbiex CBN CBoolean cbt cbuffer CCCBB CCE ccf cch CCHAR cci CCmd ccolor CCom CComp CConsole CConversion CCRT CDATA cdd cdecl CDeclaration CEdit CELLSIZE cerr cfae Cfg cfie cfiex cfte CFuzz cgscrn chafa changelist charinfo charlespetzold charset CHARSETINFO chcp checkbox checkboxes Checkin chh Childitem chk CHT Cic cjk ckuehl Clcompile CLE cleartype CLICKACTIVE clickdown clipbrd CLIPCHILDREN CLIPSIBLINGS cliutils closetest cloudconsole CLSCTX clsid CLUSTERMAP cmatrix cmder CMDEXT Cmdlet cmh CMOUSEBUTTONS cmw cmyk CNL CNTRL codebase Codeflow codepage codepath codeproject coinit COLLECTIONURI colorizing colororacle colorref colorscheme colorspaces colorspec colortable colortbl colortest colortool COLR combaseapi combobox comctl commandline commctrl commdlg COMMITID compat componentization conapi conareainfo conattrs conbufferout concfg conclnt conddkrefs condev condrv conechokey conemu configurability conhost conhostv conime conimeinfo conint conintegrity conintegrityuwp coninteractivitybase coninteractivityonecore coninteractivitywin conio coniosrv CONKBD conlibk conmsgl CONNECTINFO CONOUT conprops conpropsp conpty conptylib conserv consoleapi CONSOLECONTROL CONSOLEENDTASK consolegit consolehost CONSOLEIME consoleinternal Consoleroot Consolescreen CONSOLESETFOREGROUND consoletaeftemplates CONSOLEV Consolewait CONSOLEWINDOWOWNER consrv constexprable constness contentfiles conterm CONTEXTMENU contsf contypes convarea conwinuserrefs coordnew COPYCOLOR CORESYSTEM cotaskmem countof CPG cpinfo CPINFOEX CPLINFO CPPARM CPPCORECHECK cppcorecheckrules cpprest cpprestsdk cppwinrt CPPx CProc cpx CREATESCREENBUFFER CREATESTRUCT CREATESTRUCTW creativecommons cred cref Crisman CRLFs crloew Crt CRTLIBS csbi csbiex CSHORT CSIDL Cspace csproj Csr csrmsg CSRSS csrutil css cstdarg cstyle CSwitch CTerminal CText ctl ctlseqs Ctlv ctor CTRLEVENT CTRLKEYSHORTCUTS Ctx Ctxt ctype CUF cupxy curated CURRENTFONT currentmode CURRENTPAGE CURSORCOLOR CURSORSIZE CURSORTYPE CUU Cwa cwch cwchar cwctype cxcy CXFRAME CXFULLSCREEN CXHSCROLL CXMIN CXPADDEDBORDER CXSIZE CXSMICON CXVIRTUALSCREEN CXVSCROLL CYFRAME CYFULLSCREEN cygwin CYHSCROLL CYMIN CYPADDEDBORDER CYRL CYSIZE CYSIZEFRAME CYSMICON CYVIRTUALSCREEN CYVSCROLL DATABLOCK DATAVIEW DATAW DBatch dbcs DBCSCHAR DBCSFONT dbg DBGALL DBGCHARS DBGFONTS DBGOUTPUT dbh dblclk dbproj DBUILD DColor DCOLORVALUE dcommon DComposition DDESHARE DEADCHAR dealloc Debian debolden debugtype DECAC DECALN DECANM DECAUPSS DECAWM DECCKM DECCOLM DECCRA DECDHL decdld DECDWL DECEKBD DECID DECKPAM DECKPM DECKPNM DECLRMM DECNKM DECNRCM DECOM deconstructed DECPCTERM DECRC DECREQTPARM DECRLM DECRQM DECRQSS DECRST DECSASD DECSC DECSCA DECSCNM DECSCPP DECSCUSR DECSED DECSEL DECSET DECSLPP DECSLRM DECSMKR DECSR decstandar DECSTBM DECSTR DECSWL DECTCEM Dedupe deduplicate DEFAPP DEFAULTBACKGROUND DEFAULTFOREGROUND defaultsettings DEFAULTTONEAREST DEFAULTTONULL DEFAULTTOPRIMARY defectdefs DEFERERASE deff DEFFACE defing DEFPUSHBUTTON defterm DELAYLOAD deletable DELETEONRELEASE delims Delt demoable depersist deprioritized deserializer desktopwindowxamlsource DESTINATIONNAME devblogs devicecode devicefamily devops Dext DFactory DFF DFMT dhandler dialogbox diffing DINLINE directio DIRECTX Dirs DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION DISABLENOSCROLL DISPLAYATTRIBUTE DISPLAYATTRIBUTEPROPERTY DISPLAYCHANGE distro DLGC DLLGETVERSIONPROC dllinit dllmain DLLVERSIONINFO DLOAD DLOOK dmp DOCTYPE docx DONTCARE doskey dostips dotnet doubleclick downlevel DPG dpi DPIAPI DPICHANGE DPICHANGED dpix dpiy dpnx DRAWFRAME DRAWITEM DRAWITEMSTRUCT drcs dropdown DROPDOWNLIST DROPFILES drv dsm DSwap DTest dtor DTTERM DUMMYUNIONNAME DUNICODE DUNIT dup'ed dvi dwl DWLP dwm dwmapi dwrite dwriteglyphrundescriptionclustermap dxgidwm dxinterop dxp dxsm dxttbmp Dyreen eaf EASTEUROPE easyrgb ECH echokey ecma ecount ECpp Edgium EDITKEYS EDITTEXT EDITUPDATE edputil Efast EFG EFGh EHsc EINS EJO ELEMENTNOTAVAILABLE elems emacs EMPTYBOX enabledelayedexpansion endlocal endregion enqueuing ENUMLOGFONT ENUMLOGFONTEX enumranges envvar eol EPres EQU ERASEBKGND errorlevel etcoreapp ETW EUDC EVENTID eventing everytime evflags evt ewdelete execd executionengine exemain EXETYPE exewin exitwin expectedinput EXPUNGECOMMANDHISTORY EXSTYLE EXTENDEDEDITKEY EXTKEY EXTTEXTOUT fabricbot facename FACENODE FACESIZE failfast FAILIFTHERE fallthrough FARPROC fastlink fcb fcharset fdc FDD fdopen fdw fesb FFDE FFrom fgbg FGCOLOR fgetwc FGHIJ fgidx FGs FILEDESCRIPTION fileno FILESUBTYPE FILESYSPATH FILETYPE fileurl FILEW FILLATTR FILLCONSOLEOUTPUT FILTERONPASTE finalizer FINDCASE FINDDLG FINDDOWN FINDSTR FINDSTRINGEXACT FINDUP FIter FIXEDCONVERTED FIXEDFILEINFO fixterms Flg flyout fmix fmodern fmtarg fmtid FNV FOLDERID FONTCHANGE fontdlg FONTENUMDATA FONTENUMPROC FONTFACE FONTFAMILY FONTHEIGHT FONTINFO fontlist FONTOK FONTSIZE FONTSTRING fonttbl FONTTYPE FONTWEIGHT FONTWIDTH FONTWINDOW fooo FORCEOFFFEEDBACK FORCEONFEEDBACK FORCEV framebuffer FRAMECHANGED fre freedesktop freopen fsanitize Fscreen FSCTL FSINFOCLASS fsproj fte Ftm fullscreen fullwidth FUNCTIONCALL fuzzer fuzzmain fuzzmap fuzzwrapper fwdecl fwe fwlink GAUSSIAN gci gcx gcy gdi gdip gdirenderer geopol GETALIAS GETALIASES GETALIASESLENGTH GETALIASEXES GETALIASEXESLENGTH GETAUTOHIDEBAREX GETCARETWIDTH getch getchar GETCLIENTAREAANIMATION GETCOMMANDHISTORY GETCOMMANDHISTORYLENGTH GETCONSOLEINPUT GETCONSOLEPROCESSLIST GETCONSOLEWINDOW GETCOUNT GETCP GETCURSEL GETCURSORINFO GETDISPLAYMODE GETDISPLAYSIZE GETDLGCODE GETDPISCALEDSIZE GETFONTINFO GETFONTSIZE GETHARDWARESTATE GETHUNGAPPTIMEOUT GETICON GETITEMDATA GETKEYBOARDLAYOUTNAME GETKEYSTATE GETLARGESTWINDOWSIZE GETLBTEXT GETMINMAXINFO GETMOUSEINFO GETMOUSEVANISH GETNUMBEROFFONTS GETNUMBEROFINPUTEVENTS GETOBJECT GETPOS GETSELECTIONINFO getset GETSTATE GETTEXT GETTEXTLEN GETTITLE GETWAITTOKILLSERVICETIMEOUT GETWAITTOKILLTIMEOUT GETWHEELSCROLLCHARACTERS GETWHEELSCROLLCHARS GETWHEELSCROLLLINES GFEh Gfun gfx gfycat GGI GHIJK GHIJKL GHIJKLM gitfilters gitlab gle GLYPHENTRY gmail GMEM Goldmine gonce Google goutput GPUs grayscale GREENSCROLL Grehan Greyscale gridline groupbox gset gsl GTP GTR Guake guardxfg guc gui guidatom guiddef GValue GWL GWLP gwsz HABCDEF Hackathon halfwidth HALTCOND HANGEUL hardcoded hardcodes hashalg HASSTRINGS hbitmap hbm HBMMENU hbmp hbr hbrush HCmd hdc hdr HDROP hdrstop HEIGHTSCROLL hfile hfont hfontresource hglobal hhh hhook hhx HIBYTE HICON HIDEWINDOW HIGHLIGHTTEXT hinst HINSTANCE Hirots HISTORYBUFS HISTORYNODUP HISTORYSIZE hittest HIWORD HKCU hkey hkl HKLM hlocal HMENU hmod hmodule hmon HMONITOR HORZ hostable hostlib HOWTO HPA HPAINTBUFFER HPCON HPR HPROPSHEETPAGE HProvider HREDRAW hresult HRSRC hscroll hsl hstr hstring HTBOTTOMLEFT HTBOTTOMRIGHT HTCAPTION HTCLIENT HTLEFT htm HTMAXBUTTON HTMINBUTTON HTMLTo HTRIGHT HTTOP HTTOPLEFT HTTOPRIGHT hungapp HVP hwheel hwnd HWNDPARENT IAccessibility IAction IApi IApplication IBase ICache icacls iccex icch IChar IComponent ICONERROR Iconified ICONINFORMATION IConsole ICONSTOP IControl ICONWARNING ICore IData IDCANCEL IDD IDesktop IDevice IDictionary IDISHWND IDispatch IDisposable idllib IDOK IDR idth IDynamic IEnd IEnum IEnumerable ies IFACEMETHODIMP ification IFont IGNOREEND IGNORELANGUAGE IHigh IHosted iid IInitialize IInput IInspectable IInteract IInteractivity IIo IList imagemagick Imatch ime Imm IMouse inbox inclusivity INCONTEXT INFOEX inheritcursor inheritdoc inheritfrom ini INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX INITDIALOG initguid INITMENU inkscape INLINEPREFIX inlines INotify inproc Inputkeyinfo INPUTPROCESSORPROFILE inputrc Inputreadhandledata INSERTMODE intellisense INTERACTIVITYBASE INTERCEPTCOPYPASTE INTERNALNAME interop inthread intptr intsafe INVALIDATERECT inwap IObservable ioctl iot ipa ipch ipconfig IPersist IProperty IPSINK ipsp IRaw IRead IReference IRender IScheme ISelection IShell IState IStoryboard isupper ISwap iswdigit iswspace ISystem iterm itermcolors ITerminal IText itf Ith itoa IUI IUia IUnknown ivalid IValue IVector IWait iwch IWeb IWin IWindow IXaml IXMP jconcpp JOBOBJECT JOBOBJECTINFOCLASS JPN jsonc jsoncpp jsprovider jumplist KAttrs kawa kayla Kazu kazum kbd kcub kcud kcuf kcuu kernelbase kernelbasestaging KEYBDINPUT keybinding keychord keydown keyevent KEYFIRST KEYLAST keymap Keymapping keyscan keystate keyup khome KILLACTIVE KILLFOCUS kinda KLF KLMNO KLMNOPQRST KLMNOPQRSTQQQQQ KOK kovidgoyal KPRIORITY KVM langid LANGUAGELIST lasterror lastexitcode LATN LAYOUTRTL LBN LBound LBUTTON LBUTTONDBLCLK LBUTTONDOWN LBUTTONUP lcb LCONTROL LCTRL lcx LEFTALIGN LEFTSHIFT leonerd libpopcnt libsancov libtickit LIMITTEXT LINEDOWN LINESELECTION LINEWRAP LINKERRCAP LINKERROR linkid linkpath linputfile listbox listproperties listptr listptrsize lld LLVM llx LMENU LMNOP lnk lnkd lnkfile LNM LOADONCALL LOBYTE localappdata locsrc locstudio Loewen LOGFONT LOGFONTA LOGFONTW logissue loword lparam lparen LPCCH lpch LPCHARSETINFO LPCOLORREF LPCPLINFO LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs LPCSTR LPCTSTR lpdata LPDBLIST lpdis LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpdw LPDWORD lpelfe lpfn LPFNADDPROPSHEETPAGE LPINT lpl LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT LPMINMAXINFO lpmsg LPNEWCPLINFO LPNEWCPLINFOA LPNEWCPLINFOW LPNMHDR lpntme LPPOINT LPPROC LPPROPSHEETPAGE LPPSHNOTIFY lprc LPRECT lpstr lpsz LPTSTR LPTTFONTLIST lpv LPVOID LPW LPWCH LPWINDOWPOS lpwpos lpwstr LRESULT lru lsconfig lsproj lss lstatus lstrcmp lstrcmpi LTEXT LTLTLTLTL ltrim LUID lval LVB LVERTICAL LWA LWIN lwkmvj majorly makeappx MAKEINTRESOURCE MAKEINTRESOURCEW MAKELANGID MAKELONG MAKELPARAM MAKELRESULT manpage MAPBITMAP MAPVIRTUALKEY MAPVK MAXDIMENSTRING maxing MAXLENGTH MAXSHORT maxversiontested MAXWORD MBUTTON MBUTTONDBLCLK MBUTTONDOWN MBUTTONUP Mbxy mdmerge MDs mdtauk MEASUREITEM megamix memallocator memcmp MENUCHAR MENUCONTROL MENUDROPALIGNMENT MENUITEM MENUITEMINFO MENUSELECT Mersenne messageext metaproj midl mii MIIM mimetype mincore mindbogglingly mingw minimizeall minkernel MINMAXINFO minwin minwindef Mip MMBB mmcc MMCPL mmsystem MNC MNOPQ MNOPQR MODALFRAME modelproj MODERNCORE MONITORINFO MONITORINFOEXW MONITORINFOF monospaced monostate MOUSEACTIVATE MOUSEFIRST MOUSEHWHEEL MOUSEMOVE mousewheel movemask MOVESTART mscorlib msctf msctls msdata MSDL msdn msft MSGCMDLINEF MSGF MSGFILTER MSGFLG MSGMARKMODE MSGS MSGSCROLLMODE MSGSELECTMODE msiexec MSIL msix mspartners msvcrt MSVCRTD msys msysgit MTSM mui Mul multiline munged munges murmurhash mutexes muxes myapplet mydir myignite MYMAX Mypair Myval NAMELENGTH nameof namespaced namestream nano natvis nbsp NCCALCSIZE NCCREATE NCLBUTTONDOWN NCLBUTTONUP NCMBUTTONDOWN NCMBUTTONUP NCPAINT NCRBUTTONDOWN NCRBUTTONUP NCXBUTTONDOWN NCXBUTTONUP ned NEL netcoreapp netstandard NEWCPLINFO NEWCPLINFOA NEWCPLINFOW newcursor Newdelete NEWINQUIRE NEWINQURE NEWPROCESSWINDOW NEWTEXTMETRIC NEWTEXTMETRICEX Newtonsoft NEXTLINE nfe nlength Nls NLSMODE nnn NOACTIVATE NOAPPLYNOW NOCLIP NOCOLOR NOCOMM NOCONTEXTHELP NOCOPYBITS nodefaultlib NODUP NOINTEGRALHEIGHT NOINTERFACE NOLINKINFO nologo NOMOVE NONALERT nonbreaking nonclient NONCONST NONPREROTATED nonspace NOOWNERZORDER NOPAINT NOPQRST noprofile NOREDRAW NOREMOVE NOREPOSITION noreturn NORMALDISPLAY NOSCRATCH NOSEARCH noselect NOSENDCHANGING NOSIZE NOSNAPSHOT NOTHOUSANDS NOTICKS notin notmatch NOTNULL NOTOPMOST NOTRACK NOTSUPPORTED nouicompat nounihan NOUPDATE novtable NOWAIT NOYIELD NOZORDER NPM nrcs NSTATUS ntapi ntcon ntcsrdll ntdef NTDEV ntdll ntifs ntlpcapi ntm ntrtl ntstatus ntsubauth NTSYSCALLAPI nttree nturtl ntuser NTVDM ntverp NTWIN nuget nugetversions nullability nullness nullonfailure nullopt NULs numlock numpad NUMSCROLL nupkg nuspec NVIDIA NVR OACR oauth objbase ocf ocolor oem oemcp OEMFONT OEMFORMAT offboarded OLEAUT OLECHAR onecore ONECOREBASE ONECORESDKTOOLS ONECORESHELL onecoreuap onecoreuapuuid onecoreuuid ONECOREWINDOWS onehalf oneseq ONLCR openbash opencon openconsole openconsoleproxy OPENIF OPENLINK openps openvt openxmlformats ORIGINALFILENAME osc OSCBG OSCCT OSCFG OSCRCC OSCSCB OSCSCC OSCWT OSDEPENDSROOT osfhandle OSG OSGENG osign ouicompat OUnter outdir Outof OUTOFCONTEXT outstr OVERLAPPEDWINDOW OWNDC OWNERDRAWFIXED packagename packageuwp PACKCOORD PACKVERSION pagedown pageup PAINTPARAMS PAINTSTRUCT PALPC pankaj parentable passthrough PATCOPY pathcch PATTERNID PBOOL PBYTE pcat pcb pcch PCCHAR PCCONSOLE PCD pcg PCHAR PCIDLIST PCIS PCLIENT PCLONG PCOBJECT pcon PCONSOLE PCONSOLEENDTASK PCONSOLESETFOREGROUND PCONSOLEWINDOWOWNER pcoord pcs pcshell PCSHORT PCSR PCSTR PCUNICODE PCWCH PCWCHAR PCWSTR pda pdb pdbonly pdbstr pdp pdtobj pdw PDWORD pdx peb PEMAGIC PENDTASKMSG pfa PFACENODE pfed pfi PFILE pfn PFNCONSOLECREATEIOTHREAD PFONT PFONTENUMDATA PFS pgd pgdn PGONu pgorepro pgort PGU pguid pgup PHANDLE phhook phwnd pid pidl PIDLIST pii pinvoke pipename pipestr pixelheight PIXELSLIST PJOBOBJECT pkey platforming playsound plist PLOC PLOCA PLOCM PLOGICAL plugin PMv pnm PNMLINK pntm PNTSTATUS POBJECT Podcast POINTSLIST Poli POLYTEXTW POPF poppack popup POPUPATTR PORFLG positionals posix POSTCHARBREAKS POSX POSXSCROLL POSYSCROLL ppci PPEB ppf ppguid ppidl pplx PPORT PPROC PPROCESS ppropvar ppsi ppsl ppsp ppsz ppv ppwch PQRST prc prealigned prebuilt precomp prect prefast prefilled prefs preinstalled PRELOAD PREMULTIPLIED prepopulated presorted PREVENTPINNING PREVIEWLABEL PREVIEWWINDOW PREVLINE prg pri prioritization processenv processhost PROCESSINFOCLASS procs Progman PROPERTYID PROPERTYKEY PROPERTYVAL propsheet PROPSHEETHEADER PROPSHEETPAGE propslib propsys PROPTITLE propvar propvariant propvarutil psa psd PSECURITY pseudocode pseudoconsole pseudoterminal psh pshn PSHNOTIFY PSHORT pshpack PSINGLE psl psldl psm PSMALL PSNRET PSobject psp PSPCB psr PSTR psz ptch ptsz PTYIn PUCHAR PULONG PUNICODE putchar putwchar PVOID pwch PWCHAR PWDDMCONSOLECONTEXT PWORD pws pwsh pwstr pwsz pythonw qos QQQQQQQQQQABCDEFGHIJ QQQQQQQQQQABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQABCDEFGHIJPQRSTQQQQQQQQQQ QRSTU qrstuvwxyz qsort queryable QUESTIONMARK quickedit QUZ QWER qwerty QWERTYUIOP qwertyuiopasdfg qzmp RAII RALT rapidtables rasterbar rasterfont rasterization rawinput RAWPATH raytracers razzlerc rbar RBUTTON RBUTTONDBLCLK RBUTTONDOWN RBUTTONUP rcch RCDATA rcelms rcl rclsid RCOA RCOCA RCOCW RCONTROL RCOW rcv RDONLY rdpartysource READCONSOLE READCONSOLEOUTPUT READCONSOLEOUTPUTSTRING Readline READMODE readonly READWRITE realloc reamapping rects redef redefinable Redir redirector redist redistributable REDSCROLL refactoring REFCLSID refcount referencesource REFGUID REFIID REFPROPERTYKEY REGISTEROS REGISTERVDM regkey REGSTR reingest RELBINPATH remoting renamer renderengine rendersize reparent reparenting replatformed Replymessage repositorypath rescap Resequence RESETCONTENT resheader resizable resmimetype restrictedcapabilities resw retval Rexx rfa rfid rftp rgb rgba RGBCOLOR rgbi rgci rgfae rgfte rgi rgn rgp rgpwsz rgrc rgui rgw rgwch RIGHTALIGN RIGHTBUTTON riid Rike RIPMSG RIS RMENU roadmap robertelder robomac rosettacode rparen RRF RRRGGGBB rsas rtcore RTEXT rtf RTFTo Rtl RTLREADING Rtn rtrim ruleset runas runasradio RUNDLL runformat runft RUNFULLSCREEN runsettings runtests runtimeclass runuia runut runxamlformat RVERTICAL rvpa RWIN rxvt safearray SAFECAST safemath sapi sba SBCS SBCSDBCS sbi sbiex sbold scancode schemename SCL scm SCRBUF SCRBUFSIZE screenbuffer SCREENBUFFERINFO screeninfo screenshot scriptload Scrollable scrollback scrollbar Scroller SCROLLFORWARD SCROLLINFO scrolllock scrolloffset SCROLLSCALE SCROLLSCREENBUFFER scursor sddl sdeleted SDKDDK searchbox securityappcontainer segfault SELCHANGE SELECTALL selectany SELECTEDFONT SELECTSTRING Selfhosters SERIALIZERS SERVERDLL SETACTIVE SETBUDDYINT SETCOLOR setcp SETCURSEL SETCURSOR SETCURSORINFO SETCURSORPOSITION SETDISPLAYMODE SETFOCUS SETFONT SETFOREGROUND SETHARDWARESTATE SETHOTKEY SETICON setintegritylevel SETITEMDATA SETITEMHEIGHT SETKEYSHORTCUTS setlocal setlocale SETMENUCLOSE setmode SETNUMBEROFCOMMANDS SETOS SETPALETTE SETPOS SETRANGE SETSCREENBUFFERSIZE SETSEL SETTEXTATTRIBUTE SETTINGCHANGE SETTITLE Setwindow SETWINDOWINFO sfi SFINAE SFUI sgr SHANDLE SHCo shcore shellapi shellex shellscalingapi SHFILEINFO SHGFI SHGFP SHIFTJIS Shl shlguid shlobj shlwapi SHORTPATH SHOWCURSOR SHOWMAXIMIZED SHOWMINNOACTIVE SHOWNOACTIVATE SHOWNORMAL SHOWWINDOW SHRT sidebyside SIF SIGDN SINGLEFLAG SINGLETHREADED siup sixel SIZEBOX SIZESCROLL SKIPFONT SKIPOWNPROCESS SKIPOWNTHREAD sku sldl SLGP SLIST slmult slpit SManifest SMARTQUOTE SMTO SND SOLIDBOX Solutiondir somefile SOURCEBRANCH sourced SOURCESDIRECTORY spammy spand sqlproj srand SRCCODEPAGE SRCCOPY SRCINVERT srcsrv SRCSRVTRG srctool sre srect srvinit srvpipe ssa ssh STARTF STARTUPINFO STARTUPINFOEX STARTUPINFOEXW STARTUPINFOW STARTWPARMS STARTWPARMSA STARTWPARMSW Statusline stdafx STDAPI stdc stdcpp stdin STDMETHODCALLTYPE STDMETHODIMP stgm stl stoutapot Stri strikethrough STRINGTABLE strrev strsafe strtok structs STUBHEAD STUVWX stylecop SUA subcompartment subkey SUBLANG sublicensable submenu subspan subsystemconsole subsystemwindows suiteless swapchainpanel swappable SWMR SWP symlink SYNCPAINT syscalls SYSCHAR SYSCOMMAND SYSDEADCHAR SYSKEYDOWN SYSKEYUP SYSLINK SYSMENU sysparams sysparamsext SYSTEMHAND SYSTEMMENU tabview TAdd taef targetentrypoint TARGETLIBS TARGETNAME targetnametoken targetsize targetver taskbar tbar TBase tbc tbi Tbl TBM tchar TCHFORMAT TCI tcome tcommandline tcommands TDelegated TDP TEAMPROJECT tearoff Teb techcommunity tellp telnet telnetd teraflop terminalcore TERMINALSCROLLING terminfo TEs testapp testbuildplatform testcon testd testdlls testenv testlab testlist testmd testmddefinition testmode testname testnameprefix TESTNULL testpass testpasses testtestabc testtesttesttesttest testtimeout TEXCOORD texel TExpected textattribute TEXTATTRIBUTEID textbox textboxes textbuffer textinfo TEXTMETRIC TEXTMETRICW textmode TFCAT tfoo TFunction tga THUMBPOSITION THUMBTRACK TIcon tilunittests Timeline timelines titlebar TITLEISLINKNAME TJson TLambda tldp TLEN Tlgdata TMAE TMPF TMult tmultiple tmux tofrom tokenhelpers tokenizing toolbars TOOLINFO tooltip TOPDOWNDIB TOPLEFT toplevel TOPRIGHT TOpt tosign touchpad towlower towupper Tpp Tpqrst tprivapi tracelog tracelogging traceloggingprovider trackbar TRACKCOMPOSITION trackpad transcoder transitioning Trd TREX triaged triaging TRIANGLESTRIP Tribool TRIMZEROHEADINGS truetype trx tsattrs tsf TStr TSTRFORMAT TSub TTBITMAP ttf TTFONT TTFONTLIST tthe tthis TTM TTo TVPP Txtev typechecked typechecking typelib typeof typeparam TYUI uap uapadmin UAX ucd ucdxml uch UCHAR ucs udk UDM uer uget uia UIACCESS uiacore uiautomationcore Uid uielem UIELEMENTENABLEDONLY ulcch ulong umd Unadvise unattend UNCPRIORITY Unescape unexpand Unfocus unhighlighting unhosted UNICODESTRING UNICODETEXT UNICRT uninit uninitialize uninstall unintense Uniscribe unittest unittesting universaltest unknwn unmark unparseable unpause unregistering untests untextured untimes UPDATEDISPLAY UPDOWN UPKEY UPSS upvote urlencoded USASCII usebackq USECALLBACK USECOLOR USECOUNTCHARS USEDEFAULT USEDX USEFILLATTRIBUTE USEGLYPHCHARS USEHICON USEPOSITION userbase USERDATA userdpiapi username Userp userprivapi userprofile USERSRV USESHOWWINDOW USESIZE USESTDHANDLES ushort usp utr uuidof uuidv UVWX UVWXY UWA UWAs uwaterloo uwp uwspace uxtheme Vanara vbproj vclib Vcount vcpkg vcprintf vcproj vcxitems VERCTRL VERTBAR VFT vga vgaoem viewkind viewports viewtopic Virt VIRTTERM Virtualizing vkey VKKEYSCAN VMs VPA VPATH VPR VProc VRaw VREDRAW vsc vscprintf VSCROLL vsdevshell vsinfo vsnprintf vso vspath vsprintf VSTAMP vstest VSTS VSTT vstudio vswhere vtapi vtapp VTE VTID vtio vtmode vtpipeterm vtpt vtrenderer VTRGB VTRGBTo vtseq vtterm vttest VWX waaay waitable waivable WANSUNG WANTARROWS WANTTAB wapproj wbuilder WCAG wch WCIA WCIW WClass wcschr wcscmp wcscpy WCSHELPER wcsicmp wcslen wcsnicmp wcsrchr wcsrev wcstod wcstoul wddm wddmcon wddmconrenderer WDDMCONSOLECONTEXT wdm wdx webclient webpage websocket wekyb WEOF wex wextest wextestclass wfdopen WFill wfopen wfstream WHelper whitelisting WIDTHSCROLL Widthx wikia wil WImpl WINAPI winbase winbasep wincon winconp winconpty winconptydll winconptylib wincontypes WINCORE windbg WINDEF windev WINDIR windll WINDOWALPHA Windowbuffer windowdpiapi WINDOWEDGE windowext WINDOWFRAME windowime WINDOWINFO windowio windowmetrics WINDOWPLACEMENT windowpos WINDOWPOSCHANGED WINDOWPOSCHANGING windowproc windowrect windowsapp windowsdeveloper windowsinternalstring WINDOWSIZE windowsx WINDOWTEXT windowtheme WINDOWTITLE winevent winfx wingdi winget WINIDE winioctl winmd winmeta winmgr winmm winnt Winperf WInplace winrt winsdk wintelnet winternl winui winuser winuserp WINVER wistd wixproj wline wlinestream wmain wmemory WMSZ wnd WNDALLOC WNDCLASS WNDCLASSEX WNDCLASSW Wndproc WNegative WNull wnwb workarea workflow workitem wostream WOutside WOWARM WOWx wparam WPartial wpf WPR WPrep WPresent wprintf wprp wprpi wregex WResult writeback writechar WRITECONSOLE WRITECONSOLEINPUT WRITECONSOLEOUTPUT WRITECONSOLEOUTPUTSTRING wrkstr wrp WRunoff WScript wsl WSLENV wsmatch WSpace wss wstr wstringstream wsz wtd WTest WTEXT WTo wtof wtoi WTs WTSOFTFONT wtw wtypes Wubi WUX WVerify wwaproj WWith wxh xact xaml Xamlmeta xaz xbf xbutton XBUTTONDBLCLK XBUTTONDOWN XBUTTONUP XCast XCENTER xcopy XCount xdy XEncoding xes xff xfg XFile XFORM XManifest XMFLOAT xorg XPosition XResource xsi xsize xstyler XSubstantial xtended xterm XTest XTPOPSGR XTPUSHSGR xtr xunit xutr xvalue XVIRTUALSCREEN XWalk Xzn yact YAML YCast YCENTER ycombinator YCount YDPI yml YOffset YPosition YSize YSubstantial YVIRTUALSCREEN YWalk YYYYYYYDDDDDDDDDDD ZAAZZ ZABBZ ZBAZZ ZBBBZ ZBBZZ ZCmd ZCtrl zsh zxcvbnm ZYXWVUT ZZBBZ ZZZBB ZZZBZ
Some files were were automatically ignored

These sample patterns would exclude them:


You should consider adding them to:


File matching is via Perl regular expressions.

To check these files, more of their words need to be in the dictionary than not. You can use patterns.txt to exclude portions, add items to the dictionary (e.g. by adding them to allow.txt), or fix typos.

To accept these unrecognized words as correct (and remove the previously acknowledged and now absent words), run the following commands

... in a clone of the [email protected]:microsoft/nnfusion.git repository
on the main branch:

update_files() {
perl -e '
my @expect_files=qw('".github/actions/spelling/expect/alphabet.txt
my @stale=qw('"$patch_remove"');
my $re=join "|", @stale;
my $suffix=".".time();
my $previous="";
sub maybe_unlink { unlink($_[0]) if $_[0]; }
while (<>) {
if ($ARGV ne $old_argv) { maybe_unlink($previous); $previous="$ARGV$suffix"; rename($ARGV, $previous); open(ARGV_OUT, ">$ARGV"); select(ARGV_OUT); $old_argv = $ARGV; }
next if /^(?:$re)(?:(?:\r|\n)*$| .*)/; print;
}; maybe_unlink($previous);'
perl -e '
my $new_expect_file=".github/actions/spelling/expect/324f7a924a9cda4cc8b073374033ca467880eb27.txt";
use File::Path qw(make_path);
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
make_path (dirname($new_expect_file));
open FILE, q{<}, $new_expect_file; chomp(my @words = <FILE>); close FILE;
my @add=qw('"$patch_add"');
my %items; @items{@words} = @words x (1); @items{@add} = @add x (1);
@words = sort {lc($a)."-".$a cmp lc($b)."-".$b} keys %items;
open FILE, q{>}, $new_expect_file; for my $word (@words) { print FILE "$word\n" if $word =~ /\w/; };
close FILE;
system("git", "add", $new_expect_file);
(cat '.github/actions/spelling/excludes.txt' - <<EOF
) |grep .|
sort -f |
uniq > '.github/actions/spelling/excludes.txt.temp' &&
mv '.github/actions/spelling/excludes.txt.temp' '.github/actions/spelling/excludes.txt'

curl -L -s -S \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  "" > "$comment_json"
jq -r .body < "$comment_json" > $comment_body
rm $comment_json

patch_remove=$(perl -ne 'next unless s{^</summary>(.*)</details>$}{$1}; print' < "$comment_body")

patch_add=$(perl -e '$/=undef;
s{\s+}{ }g;
print' < "$comment_body")

should_exclude_patterns=$(perl -e '$/=undef;
exit unless s{(?:You should consider excluding directory paths|You should consider adding them to).*}{}s;
s{.*These sample patterns would exclude them:}{}s;
print' < "$comment_body" | grep . || true)

rm $comment_body
git add -u
✏️ Contributor please read this

By default the command suggestion will generate a file named based on your commit. That's generally ok as long as you add the file to your commit. Someone can reorganize it later.

⚠️ The command is written for posix shells. You can copy the contents of each perl command excluding the outer ' marks and dropping any '"/"' quotation mark pairs into a file and then run perl from the root of the repository to run the code. Alternatively, you can manually insert the items...

If the listed items are:

  • ... misspelled, then please correct them instead of using the command.
  • ... names, please add them to .github/actions/spelling/allow/names.txt.
  • ... APIs, you can add them to a file in .github/actions/spelling/allow/.
  • ... just things you're using, please add them to an appropriate file in .github/actions/spelling/expect/.
  • ... tokens you only need in one place and shouldn't generally be used, you can add an item in an appropriate file in .github/actions/spelling/patterns/.

See the in each directory for more information.

🔬 You can test your commits without appending to a PR by creating a new branch with that extra change and pushing it to your fork. The check-spelling action will run in response to your push -- it doesn't require an open pull request. By using such a branch, you can limit the number of typos your peers see you make. 😉

🗜️ If you see a bunch of garbage

If it relates to a ...

well-formed pattern

See if there's a pattern that would match it.

If not, try writing one and adding it to a patterns/{file}.txt.

Patterns are Perl 5 Regular Expressions - you can test yours before committing to verify it will match your lines.

Note that patterns can't match multiline strings.

binary-ish string

Please add a file path to the excludes.txt file instead of just accepting the garbage.

File paths are Perl 5 Regular Expressions - you can test yours before committing to verify it will match your files.

^ refers to the file's path from the root of the repository, so ^README\.md$ would exclude (on whichever branch you're using).

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