This project consists of a secure login system developed in Python. So far, the basic structure of registration and name and password verification has been developed. The first security mechanism consists of encrypting passwords using bcrypt, a data encryption library. Then two-factor authentication (2FA) was implemented.
create_table(): Creates a table in the SQLite database to store user information if the table doesn't exist.
create_password_hash(passw): Generates an encrypted password hash using the bcrypt library.
register_user(name, passw, number_phone): Registers a new user in the database, storing the name, encrypted password, and phone number.
verify_hash_passw(passw, hash_passw): Verifies if a password matches an encrypted password hash.
verify_user(name, passw): Verifies if the provided username and password correspond to a registered user in the database.
create_verify_service(): Creates a verification service using the Twilio API and returns the service_sid for the created service.
send_verification_sms(number_phone): Sends a verification request via SMS to the provided phone number using the Twilio verification service.
Flask Routes:
/: Initial route that renders the index.html template.
/register: Route for registering a new user. Form data is extracted and validated before calling the register_user function to insert the user details into the database.
/verify: Route for authenticating a user. Form data is extracted and verified by calling the verify_user function. If the authentication is successful, a success message is rendered; otherwise, a failure message is displayed.
/twofactor: Route for performing two-factor authentication (2FA). The phone number and OTP code are extracted from the form. The send_verification_sms function is called to send the verification request via SMS. Then, the provided OTP code is verified, and a message indicating whether the verification was approved or failed is rendered.
A simple visualization, because the focus is on the backend.
- Python 3.9.11
- Librarys Python: sqlite3, bcrypt, flask.render_template,, requests.
- Framework Flask 2.3.2
- SQlite 3.35.5.
- API Twilio
- DB Browser for SQLite Version 3.12.2
- IDE PyCharm 2022.3.1 (Community Edition)
Make sure you have Python installed. Also, install Pipenv if you don't already have it by running the following command:
pip install pipenv
Clone the repository:
git clone:
Navigate to the project directory:
cd repository-name
Install project dependencies using Pipenv:
pipenv install --dev
Activate the Pipenv virtual environment:
pipenv shell
Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the application:
To use the API and test the project, please follow the instructions below:
- Twilio Account Setup:
If you haven't already, create a Twilio account at (it's free!). Retrieve your Account SID and Auth Token from the Twilio dashboard.
- Environment Setup:
Open the file in a text editor.
Replace the values of the account_sid, auth_token, and service_sid variables with your Twilio account information.
Open the terminal and navigate to the project folder.
Start the server by running the following command:
The server will run on port 5000.
- Using the Project:
Open your web browser and visit http://localhost:5000 to access the project's home page.
You will see fields for registration and login.
To test the two-factor verification, enter your phone number and the OTP (verification code) received via SMS.
Based on the verification, you will receive a message indicating whether access is granted or denied.
Michele Regina Bora