This repository contains the solutions of the lecture "Advanced Programming" ("Programmazione Avanzata") held at Università di Camerino, Computer Science Degree.
The full list of excercises is available here.
You can download the code either by using Git or by downloading a zip archive. The first solutions is strongly reccomended since you can easily get new versions of the excercises.
To download the excercices with Git you have to:
- Install Git if it is not yet available on your machine (see instructions here);
- Choose the folder where you want to download the code, say it
; - Open a terminal and execute:
cd <abspath_to_your_folder>
git clone
- At this point you can use the appropriate to manage the solution.
When you have completed all the steps above, you can download the solutions to new excercices or updates to the old ones, you have just to execute in a terminal the following instructions:
cd <abspath_to_your_folder>
git pull
All the code is available as a zip archive at the following link.