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Translation Guideline

Dávid Lupták edited this page Mar 19, 2022 · 14 revisions

The page provides a description of the localization keys (basically excerpts directly from the standard) with examples or some usage context which can help to achieve the best possible translation of the respective strings.

Localization keys

The key at

If only a limited number of copies of an item are known to exist, "At:" should be given before the place name, qualified if necessary (see 9.1.1), followed by the name of the repository that holds the cited copy and its call number (or other locator) in the form used by the repository. See also 15.2.6 and 15.7.2. [1]

GOSSE, Sylvia (1881--1968). The Garden, Rowlandson House [etching and aquatint, 1912]. At: London: British Museum, Department of Prints and Drawings. Register number 1915-27-41.

The key bysupervisor

The key is suitable to be used with the final qualifying works to mention a supervisor of the work.

LUPTÁK, Dávid. Typesetting of Bibliography According to ISO 690 Norm [online]. Brno, 2016 [visited on 2016-10-01]. Available from: Bachelor's thesis. Masaryk University, Faculty of Informatics. Supervised by Petr SOJKA.

The key urlalso

Information on any other locations or forms of the information resource may also be given. This information should be clearly separated from information which refers to the location of the actual information resource cited, and should be preceded by the words “also available” or an appropriate equivalent phrase. [1]

Also available in PDF from:

The key director / bydirector

The term director meaning film director as a person, and bydirector meaning the expression that a film is directed by someone.

The key inventor / byinventor

The term inventor meaning patent inventor as a person, and inventor meaning the expression that a patent is invented by someone.

The key online

The term online meaning an online resource (a work is available online), used in the howpublished field, typeset in square brackets.

The key film

The term film meaning movie or motion picture as a medium designation for @movie entry type, used in the howpublished field, typeset in square brackets.

The key application

The term application meaning application date for the @patent entry type, used as a prefix for origdate field.

Other information such as the name of the inventor, any classification symbols and the date of application preceded by “Appl:” may be given as additional information between the title and the official designation. [1]

Appl.: 1963-06-10

The key publication

The term publication meaning publication date for the @patent entry type, used as a prefix for date field. See also

Publ.: 1967-03-08

[1] ISO 690: Information and documentation -- Guidelines for bibliographic references and citations to information resources. Third edition. Geneva: The International Organization for Standardization, 2010.

Translation Matrix

at bysupervisor urlalso director bydirector inventor byinventor online film application publication
Bulgarian в ръководен от също достъпен на режисьор режисиран от изобретател изобретен от онлайн филм
Czech v vedoucí práce dostupné také z režisér režie vynálezce vynálezce: online film přihláška publikováno
English at supervised by available also from director directed by inventor invented by online film application publication
French à supervisé par aussi disponible à l'adresse réalisateur réalisé par inventeur inventé par en ligne film
German Standort betreut von auch verfügbar unter Regisseur Regie Erfinder erfunden von online Film Anmeldung Veröffentlichungstag
Polish w promotor dostępne także z
Slovak v vedúci práce dostupné tiež z režisér réžia vynálezca vynálezca: online film prihláška publikované
Spanish en supervisado por disponible también desde director dirigido por inventor inventado por online film
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