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# dotfiles

Master Backup


The master backup script is meant to be a one stop place to back up all of your data. It is designed to allow an automation script to simply run it and it will take care of the rest. This script was meant to run in tandem with Systemd Timers.

See docs below to learn more about each individual backup script.


  • Enablers - These enable/disable the individual backup script. They default to true, change to false if you do not wish to back up that specific tool.
    • arch_on
    • atom_on
    • gnome_on
  • Directories - These are the directories in which you have saved this project. Home directory should be path/to/dotfiles.
    • home_dir
    • arch_dir
    • atom_dir
    • gnome_dir
  • Git - This will determine if this script should push your changes to git with a timestamp when it backs up.
    • push_to_git
    • timestamp


This script runs three individual scripts:

  • Arch backup
  • Atom Text Editor backup
  • Gnome backup

On top of that it has the ability to tap into your git setup and automatically commit changes with a timestamp.

Master Restore

The master restore script is meant to be run once at set up. It is not something that should be run automatically since it can and will overwrite certain setups. It will help with an initial computer set up.


  • Enablers - These enable/disable the individual backup script. They default to true, change to false if you do not wish to restore that specific tool. Dot_on will symlink your dotfiles, this only needs to be done once.
    • arch_on
    • atom_on
    • dot_on
    • gnome_on
    • ruby_on
    • conky_on
  • Directories - These are the directories in which you have saved this project. Home directory should be path/to/dotfiles.
    • home_dir
    • arch_dir
    • atom_dir
    • dot_dir
    • gnome_dir
    • ruby_dir
    • conky_dir


This script runs three individual scripts:

  • Arch Restore
  • Atom Text Editor Restore
  • Gnome Restore


  • Edit backup.service to have the absolute path to your file
  • Run ./ to copy over the backup.timer and backup.service to /et/systemd/system/

What it does

  • Moves the backup.service and backup.timer files over to the proper folder
  • Reloads systemd to load in your timer
  • Enables the backup.timer in systemd
  • Starts backup.timer in systemd
  • Lists all Timers, make sure yours is included
    • It should show backup.timer under UNIT
    • It should show backup.service under ACTIVATES


How to install

  • git clone plus the url (ssh or https)
  • Alternatively you can download the zip
  • If you want to contribute create a fork and then a pull request


This is the general directions applicable to every script.

  • Be sure to cd dir/of/script/ before running any script.
  • If you receive an error running ./ run chmod +x ./
  • Be sure to look at each script before running it to make any necessary modifications before running it.


  • Replace current dot files with your own (mv ~/.dotrc ~/dotfiles/dot/. ) or use mine.
  • Run ./ to symlink

All of my atom settings are saved in config.cson. The file will restore these settings as well as all my packages and themes. The file package-list.txt is my list of currently installed packages.


  • Run ./ while in the atom/ folder.
  • Both config.cson and package-list.txt should now be updated with your latest settings.


  • Run ./ and it will install all the atom packages and restore settings.

My arch installation uses the tool Yaourt for package management from AUR. My script can be easily adapted to support any package manager.


  • Run ./ to backup your packagelist (using yaourt) and your pacman.conf file. (This requires sudo)
    • This will backup your packagelist to the backups/ folder
    • Only one copy of your packagelist is saved


The restore script will assume you are on a fresh install and haven't even installed yaourt. It will download the tarball from AUR and install it for you.

  • Run ./ (Thats it!)
    • This requires the backups/ folder to not be empty and contain a yaourt backup of your packagelist
    • This will download yaourt and save it to the tmp/ folder, be sure to remove it if you do not wish to have the tarball after the script has finished

Gnome 3 shell extensions and gconf backups

My Shell Extensions:


  • Run ./


  • Run ./

This script installs rbenv, ruby 2.2.2, 2.2.0, and 2.1.4, and rails.


  • Run ./

This script installs the Conky Theme I use.


  • Run ./


  • This is open sourced and the code is available for anyone to use. There is no reason for you to not understand what each script is doing.
  • Nothing in this project is malicious at all.
  • I do not take responsibility for anything broken on your machine, please look through the code and understand what is happening.


Dotfiles... Plus automation for most of my systems







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