Free Mobile Website Builder! Create awesome responsive websites. Easy and fast - No coding! Free for personal and commercial use.
Polyrise uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- Tailwind CSS - A low-level CSS framework that's entirely utility-first and provides users with low-level CSS classes in PostCSS that can be used to define components and designs independently.
- HeroIcons and Font Awesome - used for the svg icons
- JSZip - package zip files in javascript
- FileSaver.js - Client-side solution for saving files
- html2canvas - Used for full website screenshots
- Openverse Api - Used for users to easily search for images and audio files to add to or update their project.
- Iconify Api - Used for users to easily search for vector graphics (svgs) to add to or update their project.
Want to contribute? Great!
You can submit a pull request or simply share the project :)
Of course Polyrise is free and open source, so you can always fork the project and have fun :)
If Polyrise was at all helpful for you. You can show your appreciation a few ways...
- Check out my Graphic Design Course:
- Registering on my store as a customer:
- Buying me a coffee!
- Purchasing one of my t-shirts:
- Purchasing any of my art:
- Donating via PayPal:
- Donating via Cash App:$michaelsboost