This repository showcases features of SignalR. These demos were developed for a Headspring brown bag.
There are two projects in this repository
StockTrader - a demo that shows how
to create, assign connections to and broadcast messages to ad-hoc groups.
multiple front-ends can use the same SignalR hub, with a web front-end in StockTrader.Web and a WinRT front-end in StockTrader.Windows
VirusReplication - a demo that shows how
to stream data to a web front-end
web front-ends are not able to handle the amount of data that SignalR is capable of sending, so I present a solution for throttling virus generation calculations and streaming those results to the client.
to connect a node.js front-end to an ASP.NET SignalR hub.
Here are some third-party resources you'll see referenced in the projects
- node-uuid
- Prism 4.1 on.Net for Metro Style App - modified slightly to use Microsoft Unity for WinRT
- EaselJS