This project demonstrates how to get started with Avro on Scalding.
Portions of this project was derived from:
Assuming you already have SBT installed:
$ git clone git://
$ cd scalding-avro-demo
$ sbt assembly
The 'fat jar' is now available as:
Assuming you have already assembled the jarfile (see above), now upload the jar to Amazon S3.
Next, upload the data file [resources/twitter.avro
] [twitter-avro] to S3.
Finally, you are ready to run this job using the [Amazon Ruby EMR client] [emr-client]:
$ elastic-mapreduce --create --name "scalding-avro-demo" \
--jar s3n://{{JAR_BUCKET}}/scalding-avro-demo-1.0.jar \
--arg \
--arg --hdfs \
--arg --input --arg s3n://{{IN_BUCKET}}/twitter.avro \
--arg --output --arg s3n://{{OUT_BUCKET}}/results
Replace {{JAR_BUCKET}}
and {{OUT_BUCKET}}
with the appropriate paths.
Once the output has completed, you should see a folder structure like this in your output bucket:
+- part-00000
Download the part-00000
file and check that it contains:
goodbye 1
hello 1
world 2
If you are trying to run this on a non-Amazon EMR environment, you may need to edit:
And comment out the Hadoop jar exclusions:
// "hadoop-core-0.20.2.jar", // Provided by Amazon EMR. Delete this line if you're not on EMR
// "hadoop-tools-0.20.2.jar" // "
Fork this project and adapt it into your own custom Scalding job.
To invoke/schedule your Scalding job on EMR, check out:
- [Spark Plug] [spark-plug] for Scala
- [Elasticity] [elasticity] for Ruby
- [Boto] [boto] for Python