Perl script to check metrics from elasticsearch for use as a custom Icinga2 check modelled after this graphite check [OPTIONS]
Required Settings:
-c [threshold]: critical threshold
-w [threshold]: warning threshold
-s [seconds]: number of seconds from now to check
-q [query_string]: the query to run in elasticsearch
-h [host]: elasticsearch host
-i [number_of_indices]: the number of indices to go back through, defaults to 2
-n [index_pattern]: the pattern expects months and years and can take aprefix and days, e.g: metrics-{yyyy}.{mm}
Optional Settings:
-?: this help message
-r: reverse threshold (so amounts below threshold values will alert)
-p [port]: elasticsearch port (defaults to 9200)
-a [name]: aggregation name
-t [type]: aggregation type
-f [field_name]: the name of the field to aggregate
-x [indices_prefix]: the prefix of your elasticsearch indices
-d: include the day in elasticsearch index
Error codes:
0: Everything OK, check passed
1: Warning threshold breached
2: Critical threshold breached
3: Unknown, encountered an error querying elasticsearch
In order to use this check in a service or host, you'll need something like the following set up in your icinga custom_commands.conf:
object CheckCommand "check-elasticsearch" {
import "plugin-check-command"
command = [ "/path/to/" ]
arguments = {
"-c" = "$elasticsearch_critical$"
"-w" = "$elasticsearch_warning$"
"-q" = "$elasticsearch_query$"
"-a" = "$elasticsearch_aggregation_name$"
"-f" = "$elasticsearch_aggregation_field$"
"-t" = "$elasticsearch_aggregation_type$"
"-s" = "$elasticsearch_seconds$"
"-x" = "$elasticsearch_index_prefix$"
"-h" = ""
"-n" = "{prefix}-{yyyy.{mm}"
"-p" = "9200"
"-r" = {
set_if = "$elasticsearch_reverse$"
description = "Reverse - Alert when the value is UNDER warn/crit instead of OVER"
With that set up as a custom command you can use it in a service like this:
Service "Errors ES" {
name = "Errors ES"
check_command = "check-elasticsearch"
check_interval = "60"
retry_interval = "180"
vars.elasticsearch_critical = "10"
vars.elasticsearch_warning = "50"
vars.elasticsearch_query = "metric:web_error"
vars.elasticsearch_aggregation_name = "numberOfErrors"
vars.elasticsearch_aggregation_field = "value"
vars.elasticsearch_aggregation_type = "sum"
vars.elasticsearch_seconds = 60 * 60
vars.elasticsearch_index_prefix = "metrics"
Which will alert when it detects more than 10 errors over the space of an hour.
That's about it, I'm accepting pull requests so feel free to fork!