Calculates the sum of the charged amounts of EasyRide receipts.
Run with
usage: [-h] [-language {EN}] [-minAmount MINAMOUNT] [-maxAmount MAXAMOUNT] [-startDate STARTDATE]
[-endDate ENDDATE] [-weekdays] [-log {40,30,20,10}]
positional arguments:
PATH the path where the PDF files with the receipts are located. Default is "."
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-language {EN} the language of the receipts
-minAmount MINAMOUNT the minimum amount that is considered
-maxAmount MAXAMOUNT the maximum amount that is considered
-startDate STARTDATE the start date in format YYYY-MM-DD
-endDate ENDDATE the end date in format YYYY-MM-DD
-weekdays only consider receipts from weekdays (Monday-Friday)
-log {40,30,20,10} the logging level (lower means more info)
- Sum up all EasyRide receipts in the directory "receipts":
python3 receipts
results in
Total sum: CHF 726.00 (47 entries)
- Sum up all EasyRide receipts larger or equal than CHF 19.90 where the rides took place on a weekday.
python3 -minAmount 19.90 -weekdays receipts
results in
Total sum: CHF 517.40 (26 entries)
- Sum up all EasyRide receipts during last Christmas period.
python3 -startDate 2021-12-24 -endDate 2022-01-02 receipts
results in
Total sum: CHF 0.00 (0 entries)
At the moment, only receipts in English are supported. To add more languages, additional regular expressions for extracting amounts and dates from the PDF files must be added to the code.