Dukeis a desktop app for people to manage their tasks, optimized for use via Command Line Interface (CLI).
Prerequisites: JDK 11, update Intellij to the most recent version.
- Install Java 11 on your computer.
- Download the latest version of Duke,jar and open it with java -jar Duke.jar.
- If you want to use existing data, create a “data” directory and copy the data file to it, name the data file as “data.txt.
- If the setup was done correctly, you should see something like the logo below:
Hello from ____ _ | _ \ _ _| | _____ | | | | | | | |/ / _ \ | |_| | |_| | < __/ |____/ \__,_|_|\_\___|
4.Use the help command to see the available commands. 5.Refer to the Features section below for details of each command
Words in capital letters are parameters to be supplied by users.
Viewing help: help
Show all the possible commands.
Format: help
Adding a "todo" task: todo
Adds a task to the list of task, involving only a description
Format: todo DESCRIPTION
Adding a "Deadline" task: deadline
Adds a deadline task to the list, involving a description and time input
Date format is DD-MM-YY. Time format is in 24-hrs, written as a single timing.
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Adding a "event" task: event
Adds an event task to the list, involving a description and time input
Date format is DD-MM-YY. Time format is in 24-hrs, can be a time interval or a single timing. Time interval is separated by “-”.
Presentation /10-10-20 t/1200-1400
Deleting a task: delete
Deletes a specified task.
Format: delete INDEX
Example: delete 2 Delete 2nd task in the list.
Set a task as done: done
Sets a chosen tasks as done.
Format: done INDEX
Example: display done 2 Marks 2nd task in list as done
Searching for tasks: search
Search through the task list with given keyword(s) and display relevant tasks. The keyword can be multiple words
Format: search KEYWORD
Example: search homework Find task(s) with a description that contains homework
Exiting the program: bye
Exits the app.
Format: bye