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Releases: mhahsler/arules


15 Dec 16:24
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arules 1.7-9 (12/14/2024)

Internal Changes

  • C code: Legacy variable length arrays in structs use now C99 syntax so
    that UBSAN's static analysis does not report a non-existing
    out-of-bounds violation.

arules 1.7-8 (08/21/2024)


  • Updated tests for testthat edition 3.

Internal Changes

  • Disable internal ngCMatrix subsetting code which has issues with R-devel.
    We use now subsetting provided by package Matrix which is almost as fast.
  • Disable internal code for rowSums and colSums for ngCMatrix.
  • Internal code for t for ngCMatrix is now only used internally.
  • The custom code and the exported symbols are now deprecated and will be
    removed in the next major release.


  • Fixed 'Error in .basicRuleMeasure(..) unused argument
    (complement = TRUE)' reported by bachnguyen-tomo.
  • Added package anchors in man pages for ngCMatrix-class.

arules 1.7-7 (11/28/2023)


  • is.significant gained parameter reuse. The default for adjust was changed
    to "none."
  • improved some error messages.
  • Added Wikipedia links to
  • Added interest measure LIC.


  • Fixed appearance code for fim4r (reported by mytarmail).


24 Mar 14:16
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arules 1.7-6 (03/23/2023)


  • Improved the interface for fim4r. support and confidence now uses [0, 1]; added verbose
    and origialSupport.


  • eclat and apriori now use the next smaller representable double for minsupp to make sure that >= minsupp works.

arules 1.7-5 (10/20/2022)


  • discretize(): dig.lab is now correctly passed on to cut() (reported by LectronPusher).
  • Fixed C prototype warnings


17 Aug 13:53
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arules 1.7-4 (8/16/2022)


  • We install now the latest version of fim4r
  • Changes in coercion for Matrix 1.4-2


  • eclat() now correctly returns frequent itemsets when all have exactly minsupport (reported by GauthierMagnin).


10 Jan 00:23
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  • Manual pages are now created using roxygen2.
  • support() uses now explicit arguments instead of control.
  • ruleInduction() uses now explicit arguments instead of control.

New Feature

  • Added interface to fim4r algorithms.


19 Nov 12:57
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  • Fixed some C issues: unsigned int in bitmat.c (function static int _exists) to ensure bit shifting works. The bitmap support buffer is now initialized with zeros.


14 Nov 18:26
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arules 1.7-0 (11/12/2021)

New Feature

  • Constructors and conversion

    • constructor transactions() can now also create transactions from data in long format (tid, item).
    • rules and itemsets have now a constructor.
    • toLongFormat converts transactions into a long format data.frame.
  • Interest measures

    • interestMeasure for rules has now measure "table" which returns the contingency table.
    • new interest measure "riskRatio" was added.
    • interestMeasure for contingency table-based measures now accept the additional parameter smoothCounts
      which is added to each count to avoid counts of zero (Laplace smoothing).
    • new method for stats confint to calculate confidence intervals for some interest measures added.
    • is_redundant can now also use confidence intervals to determine statistical redundancy.
    • removed option "chiSquared" from crossTable.
  • Mining algorithms

    • apriori and eclat gain ... additional arguments are now added to the parameter list.
    • added new function is.generators to find itemset generators.
    • apriori and eclat now store the call in the info slot of the created associations.


  • we use now a better check for installed suggested packages.
  • inspect uses now a space after the comma.
  • interestMeasures: reuse = TRUE now only reuses the basic measures of "support", "confidence", "coverage" and
    "lift". All other measures are recalculated to account for possible differences in additional parameters.
  • set methods are now also exported as S3 methods using package generics so they do not conflict with tidyverse (dplyr).

Bug Fixes

  • fixed mistake in the man page for weclat. The weight column needs to be called weight (reported by Alexander Ruth).
  • frequent itemsets now do not report "transIdenticalToItemsets" (reported by galadrielbriere).
  • fixed read.transactions reading in single format with a header from a connection. The first item is no longer dropped.


17 May 21:53
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New Feature

  • transactions have now a constructor function called transactions().
  • Added new method compatible() to itemMatrix to check if the item coding is compatible
    between two objects.
  • c() now produces a warning if two itemMatrices with different itemCoding are combined.
  • encode and recode accept now for itemLabels also objects with an itemLabels method.
  • recode is now also available for associations (itemsets and rules).


  • recode: parameter match is now deprecated. Use itemLabels

Bug Fixes

  • fixed addAggregate problem with character (reported by javiercoh).


16 Mar 22:08
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New Features

  • Added interest measure confidence boost (boost) with help from Jens Harbers, Cordes & Graefe KG.

Bug Fixes

  • interest measure improvement now does not produce inf values if no subset rule can be found.


15 May 17:25
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New Features

  • added interestMeasure rhsSupport.
  • added interestMeasure stdLift.
  • addComplement now adds variables and levels to indicate what items are complments.


  • apriori and eclat now by default also reports coverage (ext defaults to TRUE and is now called coverage).
  • addComplement now adds variables and levels itemInfo.
  • discretize now drops non-unique breaks with a warning (instead of producing an error).

Bug Fixes

  • DATAFRAME now works if itemsetInfo is empty.
  • interestMeasure hyperlift now works without specifying transactions.
  • Changed c() to as.integer() for factors (R has changed).


04 Apr 13:38
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New Features

  • improved speed for calculating interestMeasures for rules and itemsets with no available
    quality information or reuse = FALSE.
  • Manual pages for associations were improved with examples for itemCoding.
  • MAnual page for interestMeasures is now linked with the associated web page.
  • interest measure laplace (Laplace confidence) gained parameter k for the number of classes.

Bug Fixes

  • read.transactions: Parameter encoding is now correctly passed on to scan (reported by Sisi-Wiciel).
  • interestMeasure was not calculating count for itemsets (reported by clcazer).
  • removed the duplicated interest measure: "descriptiveConfirm" use "confirmedConfidence" instead.