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A set of FEniCS- and VTK-based python tools for Finite Element Digital Image Correlation/Image Registration/Motion Tracking, basically implementing the method described in [Genet, Stoeck, von Deuster, Lee & Kozerke (2018). Equilibrated Warping: Finite Element Image Registration with Finite Strain Equilibrium Gap Regularization. Medical Image Analysis, 50, 1–22.] and [Genet (2023). Finite strain formulation of the discrete equilibrium gap principle: application to mechanically consistent regularization for large motion tracking. Comptes Rendus Mécanique, 351, 429-458.].

The library has notably been used in:

(If you use it for your own work please let me know!)


Interactive tutorials can be found at


A working installation of FEniCS (version 2019.1.0; including the dolfin python interface) & VTK (also including python interface) is required to run dolfin_warp. To setup a system, the simplest is to use conda: first install miniconda (note that for Microsoft Windows machines you first need to install WSL, the Windows Subsystem for Linux, and then install miniconda for linux inside the WSL; for Apple MacOS machines with Apple Silicon CPUs, you still need to install the MacOS Intel x86_64 version of miniconda), and then install the necessary packages:

conda create -y -c conda-forge -n dolfin_warp expat=2.5 fenics=2019.1.0 gnuplot=5.4 matplotlib=3.5 meshio=5.3 mpi4py=3.1.3 numpy=1.23.5 pandas=1.3 pip python=3.10 scipy=1.8 vtk=9.1
conda activate dolfin_warp
conda env config vars set CPATH=$CONDA_PREFIX/include/vtk-9.1
conda activate dolfin_warp
pip install dolfin_warp