Originally written as Bash script, this has now been converted to Python. This script makes all methods and properties available from Spotify via DBus easily accessible
Clone this repository and ensure that spotify-control
is executable.
Requires python3.
usage: spotify-control [options] [command] [args ...]
A script to control Spotify from the command line, requires Spotify to be
running. Use spotify-control -h to print usage.
positional arguments:
command The command to give to Spotify
args Argument sto pass with the Spotify command
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
--verbose, -v increase log level
--quiet, -q decrease log level
--logfile file log to file instead of <stderr>
Use spotify-control print_commands for all available commands
Not all properties / methods available have been implemented by Spotify. See this post on the Spotify Community