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Releases: mfdeveloper/Vibration

[Refactor] Automation script: Create 'Samples~' dir only if doesn't exists

15 Feb 14:33
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Change automation script to create Samples~ dir only if doesn't exists, but always copy the content of regular Samples dir


  • Refactor renameInvalidDirs() function in .github/scripts/, in order to copy the content of regular "Samples" dir properly

Full Changelog: 0.1.9...0.1.10

[Chore] Added missing .meta file to a corresponding .jpg

14 Feb 18:24
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Added missing .meta file


  • Missing .meta file to corresponding new .jpg file


  • .gitignore file in order to exclude copied folders and files from a automation script

Full Changelog: 0.1.8...0.1.9

[Docs] Added Github package installation token requirement

14 Feb 13:36
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Updated/Added files


  • Added a file to Packages/com.benoitfreslon.vibration/Runtime/Scripts/Mobile folder, in order to describe the purpose of that folder.


  • Updated with additional information regarding GITHUB_TOKEN requirement to download/install Github packages

Full Changelog: 0.1.7...0.1.8

[Fix] Fixed Windows Standalone builds #if UNITY_EDITOR errors

13 Nov 22:55
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[Fix] Fixed Windows Standalone builds #if UNITY_EDITOR errors scripts bytes differences.

That's happened because of wrap serialized fields into #if/#endif directives. That's cause bytes differences of script files when generate a build



  • Refactoring in order to add a new method InitComponents() to be called from VibrationComponent.Start() Unity event.

[Chore] Ignore package-lock.json.meta file

15 Oct 18:05
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Ignored file package-lock.json.meta to avoid Unity Editor warnings. That file was published to remote repositories (Github Packages and OpenUPM), but the package-lock.json is unpublished by default when npm publish is called.

[Chore] Fixed missing .meta files

15 Oct 08:45
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Fixed missing Screenshots.meta and package-lock.json.meta files, to avoid Unity Editor console errors.



  • Refactoring in renameInvalidDirs() of .github/scripts/ script, in order to try avoid Permission Denied error when rename dir Samples to => Samples~. This directory could have several others children directories inside!
  • Refactoring in localPublish() of .github/scripts/ script to install dev dependencies of a UPM package

    WARNING: For now, you must delete the { dependencies: { } } key from package.json of a package. This is because a regular npm install can't install Unity packages dependencies.

[Docs] Updated README with Images/Screenshots folder

14 Oct 15:06
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Updated documentation file with the new folder Images/Screenshots that should contains any Unity images



  • A new function fetchPackages() to .github/scripts/ that list all packages under ./Packages folder

    PS: This is a first version of this script function. Need more implementations, such as: copy and rename files per package, generate distinct [upm] branches for each package, etc...

  • Added Custom.gitgnore section to .gitignore file, with project/package specific ignore rules

[OpenUPM/Github Packages] Fix npm prepublishOnly script error

12 Oct 18:40
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Fixed OpenUpm: Build pipeline for version 0.1.1 that shows an error when try run the pipeline job: Publish to OpenUPM

TIP: This release 0.1.3 is just a replacement of 0.1.2 because the OpenUPM pipeline for publishing failed. But In essence, the tags are almost the "same".

The fix consists in rewrite the file .env on [upm] branch to REPOSITORY_ROOT=. only from Github Actions CI, and bypass the prepublishOnly script. This one is required only for manually publishing from a local repo (development environment)


Build pipelines summary from:


Build pipeline failure.


  • Added new function fixEnvFile() to .github/scripts/ shell script, in order to rewrite the root .env file
  • Added new function checkPkgRoot() to verify and define the $PKG_ROOT environment variable


  • Renamed environment variables names to UPPER CASE on .github/workflows/main.yml
  • Added .env files, in order to define where is the REPOSITORY_ROOT.

    PS: This is important because, in a embedded package branch ([upm-package-embedded]) with a Unity project, usually the root doesn't contains the UPM package files.

  • Updated with npm scripts and node installation documentation

[OpenUPM/Github Packages] Fix npm prepublishOnly script error

13 Oct 09:39
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Fixed OpenUpm: Build pipeline for version 0.1.1 that shows an error when try run the pipeline job: Publish to OpenUPM

The fix consists in rewrite the file .env on [upm] branch to REPOSITORY_ROOT=. only from Github Actions CI, and bypass the prepublishOnly script. This one is required only for manually publishing from a local repo (development environment)


Build pipelines summary from:


Build pipeline failure.


  • Added new function fixEnvFile() to .github/scripts/ shell script, in order to rewrite the root .env file
  • Added new function checkPkgRoot() to verify and define the $PKG_ROOT environment variable


  • Renamed environment variables names to UPPER CASE on .github/workflows/main.yml
  • Added .env files, in order to define where is the REPOSITORY_ROOT.

    PS: This is important because, in a embedded package branch ([upm-package-embedded]) with a Unity project, usually the root doesn't contains the UPM package files.

  • Updated with npm scripts and node installation documentation

[UPM] Package embedded structure

04 Oct 07:44
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UPM embedded project structure for testing and play sample scenes.

Additionally, were did some refactorings and new implementations (specially for Android and WebGL )


  • Migrate to use the new extension "visualstudiotoolsforunity.vstuc"
  • Added a default Unity editor debug configuration to .vscode/launch.json


  • Refactoring to a more "vanilla" Javascript approach using a Vibration singleton class
  • Added IsVibrateSupported() method to main .jslib
  • Added repeat parameter to VibrateWithPattern() method on main .jslib
  • Added a package.json file to the root embedded Unity project, to run and test WebGL builds


  • Added a generic static C# class for AndroidBuild to get Android API level


  • Refactorings to better accomplish the scene example script VibrationExample.cs
  • Added Editor unit tests in order to test MobileTimeUnit.cs class
  • Refactoring on Samples/VibrationExample to consider use WebGL implementations as well