A free music Discord Bot coded in Python by a group of students. Made in Nice, France.
Website : https://drunkcat.hugofnm.fr
Invite Link : https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=733981723498643498&scope=bot&permissions=8
- Music player in vocal channel (all compatible links here : https://ytdl-org.github.io/youtube-dl/supportedsites.html)
- Fun Commands (ai, advice, ascii, bored, filter, fortune, quote, textart, uselessweb)
- Utility Commands (convert, encode, list, palette, pokedex, predict, qr, rhyme, trace, translate, server, shorten, user, weather, wordinfo)
- Meme Commands (bill, dark, drake, fml, geek, joke, meme, pun, riddle, roast, tinder, trigger, xkcd)
- Games (2048, 8ball, hangman, minesweeper, poll, rock paper scisors, tally, teams, toss, trivia, ttt, wumpus)
- Misc Commands (clear, help, invite, ping, support)
- And Debug Commands if Admin of bot (require being owner of the bot)
This Code is made to work with Poetry Package Manager, there is no REQUIREMENTS.TXT (but still can be generated thanks to Poetry's utilities)
Poetry Package and Dependency Manager : (https://python-poetry.org/)