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Merge pull request #5 from metabase/fix-proxy-data-source-getConnection
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Support next-jdbc; bug fixes
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camsaul authored Dec 4, 2019
2 parents e072f4f + 9b67c75 commit bdea04c
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Showing 4 changed files with 123 additions and 25 deletions.
17 changes: 16 additions & 1 deletion
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Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,10 @@

### Creating a Connection Pool

You can create a C3P0 connection pool with any `` connection spec map. (Currently, only maps with `:subname` and `:subprotocol` are supported.) `connection-pool-spec` will return a `` connection spec you can use directly with JDBC:
#### From a `` spec

You can create a C3P0 connection pool with any `` connection spec map with `:subname` and
`:subprotocol` keys. `connection-pool-spec` will return a `` connection spec you can use directly:

(require '[ :as jdbc]
Expand All @@ -22,6 +25,18 @@ You can create a C3P0 connection pool with any `` connection sp

(You will almost certainly want to store your pool somewhere, such as in an atom).

#### From a JDBC URL String:

You can create a pooled `DataSource` (e.g., for use with [`next-jdbc`]( by calling `pooled-data-source-from-url`:

(require '[next.jdbc :as jdbc]
'[metabase.connection-pool :as connection-pool])

(with-open [connection (jdbc/get-connection (connection-pool/pooled-data-source-from-url "jdbc:postgres:cam@localhost:3000/my_db"))]
(reduce my-fn init-value (jdbc/plan connection ["SELECT *"])))

### Configuring the connection pool

You can set connection pool options such as size in a `` file, or by passing them as a map to `connection-pool-spec`:
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4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion project.clj
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
(defproject metabase/connection-pool "1.0.3"
(defproject metabase/connection-pool "1.1.0"
:description "Connection pools for JDBC databases. Simple wrapper around C3P0."
:url ""
:min-lein-version "2.5.0"
Expand All @@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
[com.h2database/h2 "1.4.197"]
[pjstadig/humane-test-output "0.9.0"]]

:global-vars {*warn-on-reflection* true}


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50 changes: 36 additions & 14 deletions src/metabase/connection_pool.clj
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(reify DataSource
(getConnection [_]
(.connect driver jdbc-url properties))

(getConnection [_ username password]
(doseq [[k v] {"user" username, "password" password}]
(if (some? k)
(.setProperty properties k (name v))
(.remove properties k)))
(.connect driver jdbc-url properties)))))
(let [properties (or properties (Properties.))]
(doseq [[k v] {"user" username, "password" password}]
(if (some? v)
(.setProperty properties k (name v))
(.remove properties k)))
(.connect driver jdbc-url properties))))))

;;; ------------------------------------------- Creating Connection Pools --------------------------------------------

(defn- map->properties
(defn map->properties
"Create a `Properties` object from a JDBC connection spec map. Properties objects are maps of String -> String, so all
keys and values are converted to Strings appropriately."
^Properties [m]
Expand All @@ -46,16 +48,23 @@
(defn- spec->properties ^Properties [spec]
(map->properties (dissoc spec :classname :subprotocol :subname)))

(defn ^:private unpooled-data-source
^DataSource [{:keys [subname subprotocol], :as spec}]
(proxy-data-source (format "jdbc:%s:%s" subprotocol subname) (spec->properties spec)))
(defn- unpooled-data-source
(^DataSource [{:keys [subname subprotocol], :as spec}]
(proxy-data-source (format "jdbc:%s:%s" subprotocol subname) (spec->properties spec)))

(defn- pooled-data-source ^DataSource
(^DataSource [driver {:keys [subname subprotocol], :as spec}]
(proxy-data-source driver (format "jdbc:%s:%s" subprotocol subname) (spec->properties spec))))

(defn pooled-data-source
"Create a new pooled DataSource from a `` spec."
(^DataSource [spec]
(DataSources/pooledDataSource (unpooled-data-source spec)))

([spec pool-properties-map]
(DataSources/pooledDataSource (unpooled-data-source spec) (map->properties pool-properties-map))))
(^DataSource [spec pool-properties-map]
(DataSources/pooledDataSource (unpooled-data-source spec) (map->properties pool-properties-map)))

(^DataSource [driver spec pool-properties-map]
(DataSources/pooledDataSource (unpooled-data-source driver spec) (map->properties pool-properties-map))))

(defn connection-pool-spec
"Create a new connection pool for a JDBC `spec` and return a spec for it. Optionally pass a map of connection pool
Expand All @@ -65,8 +74,21 @@
{:datasource (pooled-data-source spec)})

([spec pool-properties-map]
{:datasource (pooled-data-source spec pool-properties-map)}))
{:datasource (pooled-data-source spec pool-properties-map)})

([driver spec pool-properties-map]
{:datasource (pooled-data-source driver spec pool-properties-map)}))

(defn pooled-data-source-from-url
"Create a new pooled DataSource from a JDBC URL string."
(^DataSource [url]
(DataSources/pooledDataSource (proxy-data-source url nil)))

(^DataSource [url pool-properties-map]
(DataSources/pooledDataSource (proxy-data-source url nil) (map->properties pool-properties-map)))

(^DataSource [driver url pool-properties-map]
(DataSources/pooledDataSource (proxy-data-source driver url nil) (map->properties pool-properties-map))))

(defn destroy-connection-pool!
"Immediately release all resources held by a connection pool."
Expand Down
77 changes: 68 additions & 9 deletions test/metabase/connection_pool_test.clj
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@@ -1,19 +1,78 @@
(ns metabase.connection-pool-test
(:require [clojure.test :as t]
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[metabase.connection-pool :as connection-pool]))

(def ^:private spec
{:classname "org.h2.Driver", :subprotocol "h2", :subname "mem:db"})

(t/deftest properties-test
(t/testing "Options passed in to `connection-pool-spec` should get parsed correctly"
(deftest properties-test
(testing "Options passed in to `connection-pool-spec` should get parsed correctly"
(let [description (-> (connection-pool/connection-pool-spec spec {"acquireIncrement" 1
"testConnectionOnCheckin" true})
(t/is (= "acquireIncrement -> 1"
(re-find #"acquireIncrement -> \d" description))
"numeric options should get converted correctly")
(t/is (= "testConnectionOnCheckin -> true"
(re-find #"testConnectionOnCheckin -> \w+" description))
"boolean options should get converted correctly"))))
(is (= "acquireIncrement -> 1"
(re-find #"acquireIncrement -> \d" description))
"numeric options should get converted correctly")
(is (= "testConnectionOnCheckin -> true"
(re-find #"testConnectionOnCheckin -> \w+" description))
"boolean options should get converted correctly"))))

(deftest map->properties-test
(testing "Properties should be converted to strings"
;; Properties are equality-comparable to maps
(is (= {"A" "true", "B" "false", "C" "100"}
(connection-pool/map->properties {:A "true", "B" false, "C" 100})))))

(defrecord ^:private FakeConnection [url props]

(defrecord ^:private FakeDriver []
(connect [_ url props]
(FakeConnection. url props)))

(defn- proxy-data-source ^javax.sql.DataSource [& args]
(apply #'connection-pool/proxy-data-source args))

(deftest proxy-data-source-test
(testing "Make sure we can create a data source with an explicit driver instance"
(is (= (FakeConnection. "jdbc:my-fake-db:localhost" nil)
(.getConnection (proxy-data-source (FakeDriver.) "jdbc:my-fake-db:localhost" nil)))))

(testing "Make sure username/password are set when using the 3-arg getConnection method"
(doseq [props [(java.util.Properties.) nil (doto (java.util.Properties.)
(.setProperty "password" "abc")
(.setProperty "user" "cam-2"))]]
(testing (format "with initial properties = %s" (pr-str props))
(is (= (FakeConnection. "jdbc:my-fake-db:localhost" {"password" "passw0rd", "user" "cam"})
(.getConnection (proxy-data-source (FakeDriver.) "jdbc:my-fake-db:localhost" props)

(testing "passing nil username/password to 3-arg getConnection method should existing props"
(let [props (doto (java.util.Properties.)
(.setProperty "password" "abc")
(.setProperty "user" "cam-2"))]
(is (= (FakeConnection. "jdbc:my-fake-db:localhost" {})
(.getConnection (proxy-data-source (FakeDriver.) "jdbc:my-fake-db:localhost" props)

(deftest connection-pool-spec-test
(let [{:keys [^javax.sql.DataSource datasource]} (connection-pool/connection-pool-spec
{:subprotocol "h2", :subname "mem:in-memory"})]
(with-open [conn (.getConnection datasource)
stmt (.prepareStatement conn "SELECT 1 AS one;")
rset (.executeQuery stmt)]
(.next rset)
(is (= 1
(.getObject rset 1))))))

(deftest pooled-data-source-from-url-test
(with-open [conn (.getConnection (connection-pool/pooled-data-source-from-url "jdbc:h2:mem:in-memory"))
stmt (.prepareStatement conn "SELECT 1 AS one;")
rset (.executeQuery stmt)]
(.next rset)
(is (= 1
(.getObject rset 1)))))

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