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mike dupont committed Feb 19, 2024
1 parent 5980f9c commit 024af98
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Showing 1,646 changed files with 155,724 additions and 9 deletions.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions data/_1.out
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@

#+begin_src input
consider a consecutive series of types to describe the universe and universe of universes, what is your ordering?
#+begin_src output mistral
Result: ERROR2
32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions data/_1.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@

#+begin_src input
Please rewrite the following to be more beautiful.
please answer only in the following grammar.

terminal ::= "'" character "'" ( character "'" ) "'"
terminator ::= (";" | ".")
term ::= "(" S rhs S ")" | "[" S rhs S "]" | "{" S rhs S "}" | terminal | identifier
factor ::= term S "?" | term S "*" | term S "+" | term S "-" S term | term S
concatenation ::= ( S factor S "," ? ) +
alternation ::= ( S concatenation S "|" ? ) +
rhs ::= alternation
lhs ::= identifier
rule ::= lhs S "=" S rhs S terminator
root ::= ( S rule S ) *
#+begin_src output mistral

Terminal ::= SingleQuote Character SingleQuote ( Character SingleQuote )* SingleQuote
Terminator ::= ";" | "."
Term ::= Group | List | Object | Terminal | Identifier
Group ::= "(" S Rule Rhs S ")"
List ::= "[" S Rule Rhs S "]"
Object ::= "{" S Rule Rhs S "}"
TerminalToken ::= SingleQuote Character SingleQuote
Character ::= Any valid
30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions data/_2.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@

#+begin_src input
Please rewrite the following to be more beautiful.
please answer only in the following grammar.

terminal ::= "'" character "'" ( character "'" ) "'"
terminator ::= (";" | ".")
term ::= "(" S rhs S ")" | "[" S rhs S "]" | "{" S rhs S "}" | terminal | identifier
factor ::= term S "?" | term S "*" | term S "+" | term S "-" S term | term S
concatenation ::= ( S factor S "," ? ) +
alternation ::= ( S concatenation S "|" ? ) +
rhs ::= alternation
lhs ::= identifier
rule ::= lhs S "=" S rhs S terminator
root ::= ( S rule S ) *
#+begin_src output mistral


terminal ::= A delightful quivering "'" adorned with character, followed by another charming "'".
(Character after character may gracefully nestle between them.)
terminator ::= The gentle semicolon or the silent dot.
term ::= With a tender embrace, open parentheses ( S cradles rhs, fondly enfolded within its loving arms,
S ) closes with a cherished kiss. Brackets [ and ] whisper their affectionate greetings and farewells,
while curly br
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions data/clang2_1.out
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@

#+begin_src input
consider a consecutive series of types to describe the universe and universe of universes, what is your ordering? please create .c language declarations.
#+begin_src output mistral
Result: int UniverseType0_TagNumber_ticTocUniverseOfUniverseOfUniverses_ticTocUniverseOfUniverses_ticTocUniverse_PointInSpaceAndTime_MassEnergyDistribution_ChargeDensity_MagneticFieldStrength_Temperature_Pressure_Velocity_Acceleration_RotationRate_Shape_Size_Complexity_ConsciousnessLevel_Type0_Universe_ticTocUniverseOfUniverses_ticTocUniverse_PointInSpaceAndTime_MassEnergyDistribution_ChargeD
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions data/clang2_2.out
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@

#+begin_src input
consider a consecutive series of types to describe the universe and universe of universes, what is your ordering? please create .c language declarations.
#+begin_src output mistral
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions data/clang2_3.out
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@

#+begin_src input
consider a consecutive series of types to describe the universe and universe of universes, what is your ordering? please create .c language declarations.
#+begin_src output mistral
Result: int Main(){TypeAunaunauniverse = 0;//primordial unmanifested universe
IntUniverse = 1;//physical universe with space and time
FloatingPointUniverses = 2;//multiverse of universes each with their own set of space and time
ComplexUniverses = 3;//hierarchy of multiverses, each with its own set of universes
IntMultiverseOfMultiverses = 4;//infinite regress of multiverses
FloatingPointMultiverseOfMultiverses = 5
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions data/clang2_4.out
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@

#+begin_src input
consider a consecutive series of types to describe the universe and universe of universes, what is your ordering? please create .c language declarations.
#+begin_src output mistral
Result: int UniverseType1D_t_field1_type1D_t_value1D_size_t_data1D_t_universe1D_name_char_t_universe1D_description_char_t_nextUniverseType_UniverseTypeXD_t_or_NULL_t_data1D_t_universe1D_type1D_array_UniverseType1D_t_count_size_t_universeCount_t_data1D_t_universeOfUniverses1D_name_char_t
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions data/clang_1.out
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@

#+begin_src input
consider a consecutive series of types to describe the universe and universe of universes, what is your ordering?
#+begin_src output mistral
Result: int onepossibleorderingcouldbeasfollows(int hedgingthebetsslightlyIwillallowforanarbitrarynumberofuniversesofuniversesandsoonuptoaninfinitedepthofhierarchyifneeded){}int UniverseType0_BaseLevel(){/*descriptionofbaseleveluniversegoeshere*/}int UniverseType1_FirstLevelUniverses(){/*descriptionoffirstleveluniversesgoeshere*/}int UniverseType2_SecondLevelUniversesOfUniverses(){/*descriptionofsecondleveluniversesofuniversesgoeshere*/}int
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions data/clang_2.out
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@

#+begin_src input
consider a consecutive series of types to describe the universe and universe of universes, what is your ordering?
#+begin_src output mistral
Result: int onepossibleorderingcouldbeasfollows(int increasinglevelofcomplexityorabstraction){it1FirstOrderUniversedescribingbasicphysicalpropertiesandinteractionsbetweenobjectsintheuniverse (easilyobservablephenomena, lawsofmotion, etc);it2SecondOrderUniversedescribingpatternsinthedatafromthefirstorderuniverseandrelatingthemtohigherlevelconcepts (emergencetraits, systemsthinking, etc);it3ThirdOrderUniversedescribingstructuresand
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions data/clang_3.out
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@

#+begin_src input
consider a consecutive series of types to describe the universe and universe of universes, what is your ordering?
#+begin_src output mistral
Result: int roduceingthisquestionmaybethedesiretoposeaDeepMindstylehierarchyofcomplexityonthecosmositselforonthedescriptionsoftheuniverseanduniversesofuniverses(int senseofinformationtheoryorcomputationalthoughnotnecessarilythatlimitationsonresourcesandtimewouldbeobservedintheprocessofdescribingthem){TheCosmicHierarchyofComplexityperhapsisacoolnameforthisconceptualframeworkifitexistsatallorhasaninterestingsimplificationoftheproblemofcosmic
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions data/clang_4.out
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@

#+begin_src input
consider a consecutive series of types to describe the universe and universe of universes, what is your ordering?
#+begin_src output mistral
Result: int rootedinaparticularcosmologyorontologicaltheoryIwillprovideasingleexampleofahierarchicalorderingoftypesfordescriptivepurposesonly(float left){tableborder = 1;cellspacing = 0;cellpadding = 5;width = 700;textalign = center;trbgcolor = white;tdbgcolor = lightgray;trhoverbgcolor = silver;style = font-size;fontfamily = arial;fontweight = bold;textdecoration = underline;aimgsrcset = url
130 changes: 130 additions & 0 deletions data/dungeon/sim_dungeon_1_2024-02-18T13:39:46-05:00_1.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@

#+begin_src input
The goal is to create a flexible and customizable system for generating prompts and functional workflows for a language model that can be used to generate creative and imaginative descriptions of code in a high tech code based hacking game.
the game would involve exploring a dungeon of knowledge generated using a large language model and a proof engine. The player would navigate through the dungeon, encountering various objects and NPCs along the way, each with their own set of properties and behaviors defined by the terms used in the script.

the game would involve exploring a dungeon and encountering various types of monsters, treasures, and challenges. The player would use weapons, spells, and artifacts to defeat the monsters and complete quests, all while navigating a labyrinthine cave or other underground environment. The game might also include elements of drama, music, and art, as well as secrets and occult themes.

The code of the world is written using the languages and grammars generated.
each function or spell of object can be encoded into an emoji string which
is its quasi quine quotation that can be vectorized into a number of tensors.

These tensor can become code and code can become tensors.
we can visualize the tensors in the game using shaders
and mathpylib.
the game is like an augmented reality matrix game where we neo
write our own story.

In this task we want to craft the meta magical folder that will fold
streams of the matrix togehter into one.

Here is the code we wrote so far

take inputs :
grammar : A
Previous Results : D initially, Initial example : B
New Example : C
Created new output D.
Test D. If good, repeat loop with new D. Othewise feed error back to create new D up to 3 times.
start with this following code and rewrite it to suit our needs.

let rec fold_left op acc = function
| [] -> acc
| h :: t -> fold_left op (op acc h) t

ENDSRC . Please imagine the simulation its execution. Imagine running the code and all the output it would generate. Generate a grammar that we can use to generate prompts for create the hacker game dungeon using your knowledge. Imagine the 8 levels of the world from physical to spirirtual. Write the grammar in EBNF notation. We will start with path through the quasifibers of asts starting at the physcail and going all the way to the spiritual and back. Create a multi-dimensional grammar.

#+begin_src output mixtral
Result: Sure, I'd be happy to help you craft a grammar for generating prompts for your high-tech code-based hacking game! Here is a possible EBNF notation for a multi-dimensional grammar that describes the eight levels of the world from physical to spiritual:
<game_dungeon> ::= <physical_level> | <metaphysical_level>

<physical_level> ::= <room> { <corridor> <room> }

<room> ::= "You enter a room with <description>."
{ <object> }
{ <npc> }
{ <challenge> }
{ <exit> }

<corridor> ::= "You walk along a corridor that leads to"
<direction> "."

<metaphysical_level> ::= <astral_plane> | <mental_plane> | <spiritual_plane>

<astral_plane> ::= "<astral_description>."
{ <astral_entity> }

<mental_plane> ::= "<mental_description>."
{ <mental_entity> }

<spiritual_plane> ::= "<spiritual_description>."
{ <spiritual_entity> }

<description> ::= <adjective> { <adjective> } <noun>

<object> ::= "There is a(n) <object_name> that can be used"
{ <object_property> }
{ <object_action> }

<npc> ::= "<npc_name> greets you and offers"
{ <npc_dialogue> }
{ <npc_quest> }

<challenge> ::= "<challenge_name> blocks your way!"
{ <challenge_property> }
{ <challenge_action> }

<exit> ::= "A door to the" { <direction> } "leads out of the room."

<direction> ::= "north" | "south" | "east" | "west"

<adjective> ::= "dimly lit" | "cluttered" | "spacious" | "magical"

<noun> ::= "room" | "cave" | "laboratory" | "server room"

<object_name> ::= "keycard" | "wand" | "backpack" | "smartphone"

<object_property> ::= "capacity: <number>" | "color: <color>"
| "material: <material>"

<object_action> ::= "to unlock doors" | "to cast spells" | "to store items"

<npc_name> ::= "guard" | "hacker" | "wizard" | "alien"

<npc_dialogue> ::= "I will let you pass if you show me your ID."
| "I have a quest for you. Find me a rare gemstone."
| "Beware of the monster in the next room."

<npc_quest> ::= "Here is your reward: <reward>"
| "Good job! You have completed my quest."

<challenge_name> ::= "laser grid" | "firewall" | "magic barrier"

<challenge_property> ::= "strength: <number>" | "speed: <number>"
| "intelligence: <number>"

<challenge_action> ::= "to disable with a bypass tool"
| "to penetrate with a hacking tool"
| "to overcome with a magic spell"

<astral_entity> ::= "a shimmering light" | "a spectral figure"
| "a cosmic entity"

<mental_entity> ::= "a thought form" | "a memory fragment"
| "an archetype"

<spiritual_entity> ::= "a divine being" | "a spiritual guide"
| "a cosmic consciousness"
This grammar can generate a wide variety of game dungeons, from physical levels with rooms, objects, NPCs, challenges, and exits, to metaphysical levels with astral, mental, and spiritual entities. The grammar is designed to be modular, so you can easily add or remove elements as needed. You can also customize the grammar by defining your own lexicon of adjectives, nouns, object properties, object actions, NPC dialogues, NPC quests, challenge properties, and challenge actions.

I hope this helps you get started with generating prompts for your hacker game dungeon! Let me know if you have any questions or need further assistance.

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