Sifar can be used to check for strong passwords. Apart from the standard tests for length and homogeneity, it can check passwords that sound and spell similar to a given word.
Sifar can also generate passwords that satisfy the given criteria.
Version 0.2.0 is a complete rewrite. Please check usage before upgrading.
You need the text gem. This is installed automatically if Sifar is installed as a gem. More information on text can be found at
Sifar has been tested only on *nix systems.
Install the gem:
> sudo gem install sifar
To use the Sifar gem with bundler, add the following line in your Gemfile:
gem 'sifar'
To add Sifar as a plugin in a Rails application, run the following command from your application root:
> ./script/plugin install [email protected]:meshbrain/sifar.git
require 'sifar' checker = ... p checker.errors unless checker.check(word)
require 'sifar' checker = ... password = checker.generate
Checks can be used separately or in combination.
Password should be at least x characters long.
checker = :minimum_length => 8 checker.check('pword') # => false checker.check('password') # => true checker.check('longpassword') # => true
Password should contain a mix of digits, uppercase and lowercase characters.
checker = :heterogeneous => true checker.check('password') # => false checker.check('Pa55w0rD') # => true
Password should not contain any word from a given file.
checker = :dictionary => '/path/to/dictionary' checker.check('indictionary') # => false
Password should not contain any character from a given set.
checker = :character_blacklist => %w(& % $) checker.check('pass%word') # => false
Levenshtein distance of two words should be more than a given threshold. :name is mandatory.
checker = :similarity => 1, :name => 'shoeman' checker.check('showman') # => false checker.check('anothershowman') # => false checker.check('password') # => true
Phonetic similarity of two words should be more than a given threshold. :name is mandatory.
checker = :phonetic_similarity => 1, :name => 'suman' checker.check('showman') # => false checker.check('password') # => true
NOTE: This check uses metaphone; and might not work as expected in all languages.
Copyright © 2011 Suman Debnath. See LICENSE for details.