Simple browser interface for vbox TV gateway
Download webif.html from github
Navigate to manage file page of the vbox management web app eg https://vbox/cgi-bin/FileManager/FileManagerApp
At bottom of page click on Browse button. select the downloaded copy of webif.html, then click Upload button
Webif.html will now appear in the file list.
To launch click on webif.html in the file list.
Once launched in browser the URL can be bookmarked for future use,
The displayed grids can be filtered and sorted using most columns,
- To filter with "contains" just type in box below column header and press enter, for other filter types click on the column menu button on right side of header.
- To sort click on column header, to reverse sort click again.
Columns can also be resized, reordered, grouped, and hidden/shown
- To resize columns drag column separators,
- To reorder columns drag column headers,
- For other options use column menu button at right of column header
- Column widths will auto adjust if window is resized or orientation changes.
Use the View (eye) button to show full row contents. Use Delete (trashcan) button to delete recordings or cancel scheduled events Use Record (Red dot) button to schedule one off or series recordings.
- Support periodic recordings
- Save/restore grid tailoring
- Link EPG and recordings grids (to show in EPG which have been added to schedule)
- EPG period selection, and TV/Radio/Both options
- Multiple selection of events