To install on linux, use the make utility
$ apt-get install make
Run the command at the root of the project. It will take a few minutes.
$ make install
Create a local environment file for the project
$ touch ./app/.env.local
Set debug mode and database connection in .env.local
If everything is fine, you will see the login form at the link:
- make up - start docker services
- make down - stop docker services
- make restart - restart docker services
- make build - build docker services
- make env-create - create docker services configuration file (before build)
- make generate-ssl - generate the SSL keys
- make install - first install project
- make update-dev - update only !dev project
- make git-pull - update project files from vcs
- make composer-install - install packages for dev
- make composer-install-no-dev - install packages for production (without dev packages)
- make composer-update - update all packages
- make npm-watch - dev watch mode
- make npm-install-all - install packages
- make npm-install pkg="package_name" - install specific package
- make npm-remove pkg="package_name" - remove specific package
- make npm-build - compile assets to bundle build version
Migrations \ DB
- make migrate - execute a migration to a specified version or the latest available version
- make migrate-diff - generate a migration by comparing your current database to your mapping information
- make migrate-status - view the status of a set of migrations
- make fixtures-load - fixtures are used to load a "fake" set of data into a db
- make terminal - login to php-fpm container (bash)
- make cache-clear - clear application cache