Name of Project (Artisto) The purpose of Application is to gather artists from each city in a group for their city, they can Publish their artistic contents for sale at bid such as Poetry, Melodies and Songs, also they can make other groups to publish content for a type of art.
1- Artist can register account and make him/her Biography page.
2- Artist can share their Song, Lyrics and Melody and sell it using Bids.
3- Anyone can make Groups and invite other Artists to Group.
4- Anyone can report Copyrighted post, after 3 report account will be deleted.
5- Music Studio can make their Ad inside Cities pages and Groups.
1- Making Pages (Home, PublisherList, PublisherBio, BidInfo).
2- Landing page will show all new bids shared by selected city Artists.
3- PublisherList page will show all other user names in list from selected city.
4- BidsInfo page will show full Lyrics and play Melody.
5- PublisherBio page will show Artist Biography, Picture, How bids have benn shared, and how bids have been done and selled.