Docker setup for the SDI of the SAUBER project.
Prerequisites: Docker and Docker Stack have to be installed on your target platform.
Clone or download this repository
Navigate to the checkout / download in a terminal, e.g.
cd /path/checkout/sauber-sdi-docker
docker stack deploy -c docker-stack.yml <stack-name>
docker stack deploy -c docker-stack.yml sauber-stack-local
In order to fire up the SDI on a production machine or you want to simulate this on your local machine we provide some helper scripts. Execute the following:
# starts the setup with the latest images from Docker Hub
# see
In case you want to fire up the SDI setup with local images, which are explicitly built for the dev setup execute the following:
# build all images locally with the tag 'foobar' and starts the setup
TAG=foobar ./
CAUTION: This can take some time since all images are built
Build all images of the stack locally with the given tag (default is master):
# build all images locally with the tag 'foobar'
TAG=foobar ./