First pass at OpenSearch locally #348
Travis CI / Travis CI - Branch
required action
Oct 6, 2023 in 1m 14s
Build Errored
The build errored, just like the previous build.
This is a normal build for the opensearch branch. You should be able to reproduce it by checking out the branch locally.
Jobs and Stages
This build has two jobs, running in parallel.
Stage 1: tests
This stage errored.
Job | ENV | OS | State |
2545.1 unit-tests | DOCKER_USERNAME=[secure] | Linux | errored |
2545.2 contract-testing | DOCKER_USERNAME=[secure] | Linux | errored |
Build Configuration
Build Option | Setting |
Language | Ruby |
Operating System | Linux (Xenial) |
Build Configuration
"language": "ruby",
"os": [
"dist": "xenial",
"before_install": [
"openssl aes-256-cbc -K $encrypted_e34ab48306dd_key -iv $encrypted_e34ab48306dd_iv -in .env_file.enc -out .env_file -d",
"openssl aes-256-cbc -K $encrypted_126f44c7828e_key -iv $encrypted_126f44c7828e_iv -in google_credentials.json.enc -out google_credentials.json -d",
"sudo apt-get -y install redis-tools",
"curl -L > ./cc-test-reporter",
"chmod +x ./cc-test-reporter"
"before_script": [
"./cc-test-reporter before-build",
"echo \"$DOCKER_PASSWORD\" | docker login -u \"$DOCKER_USERNAME\" --password-stdin",
"docker-compose build --pull",
"docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-test.yml up -d",
"docker-compose logs -t -f &",
"echo \"Waiting for Elasticsearch indexes...\" && until curl --silent --fail -I \"http://localhost:9200/alegre_similarity_test\"; do sleep 1; done",
"until curl --silent --fail -I \"http://localhost:3100\"; do sleep 1; done",
"echo \"Waiting for model servers...\" && while [[ ! '2' =~ $(redis-cli -n 1 SCARD 'SharedModel') ]]; do sleep 1; done"
"jobs": {
"include": [
"stage": "tests",
"name": "unit-tests",
"script": [
"docker-compose exec alegre make test"
"stage": "tests",
"name": "contract-testing",
"script": [
"docker-compose exec alegre make contract_testing"
"after_script": [
"docker-compose exec alegre coverage xml",
"if [[ \"$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST\" == \"false\" && \"$TRAVIS_JOB_NAME\" != \"contract-testing\" ]]; then ./cc-test-reporter after-build -t -r $CC_TEST_REPORTER_ID --exit-code $TRAVIS_TEST_RESULT; fi"
"notifications": {
"slack": [
"rooms": [
"secure": "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"
"env": [