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Source Code |
* =========================================================================
- This file is part of NITRO
- =========================================================================
- (C) Copyright 2004 - 2008, General Dynamics - Advanced Information Systems
- NITRO is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- License along with this program; if not, If not,
- see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Package Contents |
Classes |
- [MaxDownSampler](nitf.html#MaxDownSampler)
- [PixelSkipDownSampler](nitf.html#PixelSkipDownSampler)
- [FileSecurity](nitf.html#FileSecurity)
- [Header](nitf.html#Header)
- [DESubheader](nitf.html#DESubheader)
- [FileHeader](nitf.html#FileHeader)
- [GraphicSubheader](nitf.html#GraphicSubheader)
- [ImageSubheader](nitf.html#ImageSubheader)
- [LabelSubheader](nitf.html#LabelSubheader)
- [RESubheader](nitf.html#RESubheader)
- [TextSubheader](nitf.html#TextSubheader)
- [DESegment](nitf.html#DESegment)
- [GraphicSegment](nitf.html#GraphicSegment)
- [ImageSegment](nitf.html#ImageSegment)
- [LabelSegment](nitf.html#LabelSegment)
- [RESegment](nitf.html#RESegment)
- [TextSegment](nitf.html#TextSegment)
- [FileSegmentSource](nitf.html#FileSegmentSource)
- [MemorySegmentSource](nitf.html#MemorySegmentSource)
class BandSource(DataSource) |
Base BandSource class
Methods defined here:
- **__del__**(self)
- **__init__**(self, ref)
Methods inherited from DataSource:
- **read**(self, size)
class ComponentInfo |
Methods defined here:
- **__init__**(self, ref)
- **__str__**(self)
- **getDataLength**(self)
- **getHeaderLength**(self)
class DESegment(RecordSegment) |
#NITF DESegment class
Methods defined here:
- **__init__**(self, ref)
Methods inherited from RecordSegment:
- **__getitem__**(self, key)
- Forward to the SubHeader
- **__str__**(self)
- Forward to the SubHeader
class DESubheader(Header) |
#NITF DESubheader class
- Method resolution order:
- [DESubheader](nitf.html#DESubheader)
- [Header](nitf.html#Header)
- [FieldHeader](nitf.html#FieldHeader)
Methods inherited from Header:
- **__init__**(self, ref, field_list=None)
- **__iter__**(self)
Methods inherited from FieldHeader:
- **__contains__**(self, key)
- **__getitem__**(self, key)
- Provide container get
- **__setitem__**(self, key, value)
- Provide the container 'set' functionality
- **__str__**(self)
class DataSource |
Base DataSource class
Methods defined here:
- **__del__**(self)
- **__init__**(self, ref)
- **read**(self, size)
class DownSampler |
Base DownSampler class
Methods defined here:
- **__del__**(self)
- **__init__**(self, ref)
class Extensions |
TRE Extensions
Methods defined here:
- **__call__**(self)
- **__getitem__**(self, key)
- **__init__**(self, ref)
- **__iter__**(self)
- **__len__**(self)
- **append**(self, tre)
- appends the given [TRE](#TRE) to this [Extensions](#Extensions) object
- **removeTREsByName**(self, tag)
- removes all TREs with the given name
class Field |
#NITF Field object
Methods defined here:
- **__init__**(self, ref)
- **__int__**(self)
- **__str__**(self)
- **getLength**(self)
- **getString**(self)
- **intValue**(self)
- **setString**(self, data)
class FieldHeader |
Base class for any Header that has fields
This provides list-based get access to the fields
numImages = header['numImages'] | Methods defined here:
- **__contains__**(self, key)
- **__getitem__**(self, key)
- Provide container get
- **__init__**(self, ref, field_list=None)
- **__iter__**(self)
- **__setitem__**(self, key, value)
- Provide the container 'set' functionality
- **__str__**(self)
class FileBandSource(BandSource) |
BandSource derived from an IOHandle
- Method resolution order:
- [FileBandSource](nitf.html#FileBandSource)
- [BandSource](nitf.html#BandSource)
- [DataSource](nitf.html#DataSource)
Methods defined here:
- **__init__**(self, handle, start=0, nbpp=1, pixelskip=0)
Methods inherited from BandSource:
- **__del__**(self)
Methods inherited from DataSource:
- **read**(self, size)
class FileHeader(Header) |
The FileHeader class
Besides having list-based access to its fields, this class also provides list-based access to its componentInfos.
Supported keys are (case-insensitive): imageInfo, graphicInfo, textInfo, labelInfo, dataExtensionInfo, reservedExtensionInfo
infoList = header['imageinfo'] #print the first component info object print infoList[0] |
- Method resolution order:
- [FileHeader](nitf.html#FileHeader)
- [Header](nitf.html#Header)
- [FieldHeader](nitf.html#FieldHeader)
Methods defined here:
- **__getitem__**(self, key)
- **__init__**(self, ref)
- **__iter__**(self)
- **getComponentInfo**(self, type, index)
- **getComponentInfos**(self, type)
- **getUDHD**(self)
- **getXHD**(self)
Methods inherited from FieldHeader:
- **__contains__**(self, key)
- **__setitem__**(self, key, value)
- Provide the container 'set' functionality
- **__str__**(self)
class FileSecurity(FieldHeader) |
#NITF FileSecurity class
Methods defined here:
- **__iter__**(self)
Methods inherited from FieldHeader:
- **__contains__**(self, key)
- **__getitem__**(self, key)
- Provide container get
- **__init__**(self, ref, field_list=None)
- **__setitem__**(self, key, value)
- Provide the container 'set' functionality
- **__str__**(self)
class FileSegmentSource(SegmentSource) |
SegmentSource derived from an IOHandle
Methods defined here:
- **__init__**(self, handle, start=0, byteSkip=0)
Methods inherited from SegmentSource:
- **__del__**(self)
class GraphicSegment(RecordSegment) |
#NITF GraphicSegment class
Methods defined here:
- **__init__**(self, ref)
Methods inherited from RecordSegment:
- **__getitem__**(self, key)
- Forward to the SubHeader
- **__str__**(self)
- Forward to the SubHeader
class GraphicSubheader(Header) |
#NITF GraphicSubheader class
- Method resolution order:
- [GraphicSubheader](nitf.html#GraphicSubheader)
- [Header](nitf.html#Header)
- [FieldHeader](nitf.html#FieldHeader)
Methods defined here:
- **getXHD**(self)
Methods inherited from Header:
- **__init__**(self, ref, field_list=None)
- **__iter__**(self)
Methods inherited from FieldHeader:
- **__contains__**(self, key)
- **__getitem__**(self, key)
- Provide container get
- **__setitem__**(self, key, value)
- Provide the container 'set' functionality
- **__str__**(self)
class Header(FieldHeader) |
#base class for actual NITF headers
Methods defined here:
- **__init__**(self, ref, field_list=None)
- **__iter__**(self)
Methods inherited from FieldHeader:
- **__contains__**(self, key)
- **__getitem__**(self, key)
- Provide container get
- **__setitem__**(self, key, value)
- Provide the container 'set' functionality
- **__str__**(self)
class IOHandle |
The IOHandle class.
Methods defined here:
- **__del__**(self)
- #close the handle
- **__init__**(self, filename, accessFlags=1, createFlags=13)
- **close**(self)
- **write**(self, data, size=-1)
Data and other attributes defined here:
class ImageReader |
The ImageReader object
This is created by calling Reader.newImageReader() | Methods defined here:
- **__del__**(self)
- **__init__**(self, ref, nbpp)
- **read**(self, window, downsampler=None)
class ImageSegment(RecordSegment) |
#NITF ImageSegment class
Methods defined here:
- **__init__**(self, ref)
- **addBands**(self, num=1)
- adds the specified number of bands to the image
Methods inherited from RecordSegment:
- **__getitem__**(self, key)
- Forward to the SubHeader
- **__str__**(self)
- Forward to the SubHeader
class ImageSource |
Methods defined here:
- **__call__**(self)
- **__del__**(self)
- **__init__**(self)
- **__iter__**(self)
- **addBand**(self, band)
- **getBand**(self, index)
class ImageSubheader(Header) |
#NITF ImageSubheader class
- Method resolution order:
- [ImageSubheader](nitf.html#ImageSubheader)
- [Header](nitf.html#Header)
- [FieldHeader](nitf.html#FieldHeader)
Methods defined here:
- **__init__**(self, ref)
- **__iter__**(self)
- **getBandCount**(self)
- **getComments**(self)
- **getUDHD**(self)
- **getXHD**(self)
- **insertComment**(self, comment, index=-1)
- Inserts a comment. By default, adds it to the end
- **removeComment**(self, index)
- Removes the comment at the specified index. If index is out of bounds, nothing is done
Methods inherited from FieldHeader:
- **__contains__**(self, key)
- **__getitem__**(self, key)
- Provide container get
- **__setitem__**(self, key, value)
- Provide the container 'set' functionality
- **__str__**(self)
class ImageWriter |
Methods defined here:
- **__del__**(self)
- **__init__**(self, ref)
- **attachSource**(self, imagesource)
class LabelSegment(RecordSegment) |
#NITF LabelSegment class
Methods defined here:
- **__init__**(self, ref)
Methods inherited from RecordSegment:
- **__getitem__**(self, key)
- Forward to the SubHeader
- **__str__**(self)
- Forward to the SubHeader
class LabelSubheader(Header) |
#NITF LabelSubheader class
- Method resolution order:
- [LabelSubheader](nitf.html#LabelSubheader)
- [Header](nitf.html#Header)
- [FieldHeader](nitf.html#FieldHeader)
Methods inherited from Header:
- **__init__**(self, ref, field_list=None)
- **__iter__**(self)
Methods inherited from FieldHeader:
- **__contains__**(self, key)
- **__getitem__**(self, key)
- Provide container get
- **__setitem__**(self, key, value)
- Provide the container 'set' functionality
- **__str__**(self)
class MaxDownSampler(DownSampler) |
Max DownSampler class
Methods defined here:
- **__init__**(self, rowSkip=1, colSkip=1)
- Default row and column skips are 1, meaning no downsampling
Methods inherited from DownSampler:
- **__del__**(self)
class MemoryBandSource(BandSource) |
BandSource derived from memory
- Method resolution order:
- [MemoryBandSource](nitf.html#MemoryBandSource)
- [BandSource](nitf.html#BandSource)
- [DataSource](nitf.html#DataSource)
Methods defined here:
- **__init__**(self, data, size=-1, start=0, nbpp=1, pixelskip=0)
Methods inherited from BandSource:
- **__del__**(self)
Methods inherited from DataSource:
- **read**(self, size)
class MemorySegmentSource(SegmentSource) |
SegmentSource derived from memory
Methods defined here:
- **__init__**(self, data, size=-1, start=0, byteSkip=0)
Methods inherited from SegmentSource:
- **__del__**(self)
class PixelSkipDownSampler(DownSampler) |
PixelSkip DownSampler class
Methods defined here:
- **__init__**(self, rowSkip=1, colSkip=1)
- Default row and column skips are 1, meaning no downsampling
Methods inherited from DownSampler:
- **__del__**(self)
class PluginRegistry |
Methods defined here:
- **__init__**(self)
- **canHandleTRE**(self, tre_name)
Static methods defined here:
- **loadDir**(dirname)
- Loads any plugins in the given directory
class RESegment(RecordSegment) |
#NITF RESegment class
Methods defined here:
- **__init__**(self, ref)
Methods inherited from RecordSegment:
- **__getitem__**(self, key)
- Forward to the SubHeader
- **__str__**(self)
- Forward to the SubHeader
class RESubheader(Header) |
#NITF RESubheader class
- Method resolution order:
- [RESubheader](nitf.html#RESubheader)
- [Header](nitf.html#Header)
- [FieldHeader](nitf.html#FieldHeader)
Methods inherited from Header:
- **__init__**(self, ref, field_list=None)
- **__iter__**(self)
Methods inherited from FieldHeader:
- **__contains__**(self, key)
- **__getitem__**(self, key)
- Provide container get
- **__setitem__**(self, key, value)
- Provide the container 'set' functionality
- **__str__**(self)
class Reader |
The Reader class.
Construct a Reader if you need to read a NITF | Methods defined here:
- **__del__**(self)
- **__init__**(self)
- **newGraphicReader**(self, num)
- **newImageReader**(self, num)
- **read**(self, handle)
class Record |
The Record class.
The NITF Record is the top-level container of the NITF contents. This object contains all of the sub-components of the NITF. | Methods defined here:
- **__del__**(self)
- **__init__**(self, ref=None, version=101)
- **getDataExtensions**(self)
- **getGraphics**(self)
- **getImages**(self)
- **getLabels**(self)
- **getTexts**(self)
- **newGraphicSegment**(self)
- Creates a new graphic segment, and updates the numGraphics value
- **newImageSegment**(self)
- Creates a new image segment, and updates the numImages value
class RecordSegment |
Abstract class for Segments
Not intended to be instantiated itself
Methods defined here:
- **__getitem__**(self, key)
- Forward to the SubHeader
- **__init__**(self, ref)
- **__str__**(self)
- Forward to the SubHeader
class SegmentReader |
The SegmentReader object
Methods defined here:
- **__del__**(self)
- **__init__**(self, ref)
- **getSize**(self)
- **read**(self, size)
- **tell**(self)
class SegmentSource |
Base SegmentSource class
Methods defined here:
- **__del__**(self)
- **__init__**(self, ref)
class SegmentWriter |
Methods defined here:
- **__del__**(self)
- **__init__**(self, ref)
- **attachSource**(self, source)
class SubWindow |
The SubWindow class
This is used to specify a subwindow into the image | Methods defined here:
- **__init__**(self, image_subheader=None)
- **__str__**(self)
class TRE |
Tagged Record Extension
Methods defined here:
- **__contains__**(self, field)
- **__getitem__**(self, field)
- **__init__**(self, ref, size=0)
- Create either a new [TRE](#TRE) or refer to an existing underlying [TRE](#TRE) The ref parameter is checked
- **__iter__**(self)
- **__str__**(self)
- **getLength**(self)
- **getTag**(self)
Data and other attributes defined here:
class TextSegment(RecordSegment) |
#NITF TextSegment class
Methods defined here:
- **__init__**(self, ref)
Methods inherited from RecordSegment:
- **__getitem__**(self, key)
- Forward to the SubHeader
- **__str__**(self)
- Forward to the SubHeader
class TextSubheader(Header) |
#NITF TextSubheader class
- Method resolution order:
- [TextSubheader](nitf.html#TextSubheader)
- [Header](nitf.html#Header)
- [FieldHeader](nitf.html#FieldHeader)
Methods defined here:
- **__iter__**(self)
- **getXHD**(self)
Methods inherited from Header:
- **__init__**(self, ref, field_list=None)
Methods inherited from FieldHeader:
- **__contains__**(self, key)
- **__getitem__**(self, key)
- Provide container get
- **__setitem__**(self, key, value)
- Provide the container 'set' functionality
- **__str__**(self)
class Writer |
Methods defined here:
- **__del__**(self)
- **__init__**(self)
- **newGraphicWriter**(self, num)
- **newImageWriter**(self, imagenum)
- **prepare**(self, record, handle)
- **write**(self)
Data |
FILE_HEADER_FIELDS = [{'id': 'FHDR', 'name': 'fileHeader'}, {'id': 'FVER', 'name': 'fileVersion'}, {'id': 'CLEVEL', 'name': 'complianceLevel'}, {'id': 'STYPE', 'name': 'systemType'}, {'id': 'OSTAID', 'name': 'originStationID'}, {'id': 'FDT', 'name': 'fileDateTime'}, {'id': 'FTITLE', 'name': 'fileTitle'}, {'id': 'FSCLAS', 'name': 'classification'}, {'id': 'FSCOP', 'name': 'messageCopyNum'}, {'id': 'FSCPYS', 'name': 'messageNumCopies'}, {'id': 'ENCRYP', 'name': 'encrypted'}, {'id': 'FBKGC', 'name': 'backgroundColor'}, {'id': 'ONAME', 'name': 'originatorName'}, {'id': 'OPHONE', 'name': 'originatorPhone'}, {'id': 'FL', 'name': 'fileLength'}, {'id': 'HL', 'name': 'headerLength'}, {'id': 'NUMI', 'name': 'numImages'}, {'id': 'NUMS', 'name': 'numGraphics'}, {'id': 'NUMX', 'name': 'numLabels'}, {'id': 'NUMT', 'name': 'numTexts'}, ...]
IMAGE_SUBHEADER_FIELDS = [{'id': 'IM', 'name': 'filePartType'}, {'id': 'IID1', 'name': 'imageId'}, {'id': 'IDATIM', 'name': 'imageDateAndTime'}, {'id': 'TGTID', 'name': 'targetId'}, {'id': 'IID2', 'name': 'imageTitle'}, {'id': 'ISCLAS', 'name': 'imageSecurityClass'}, {'id': 'ISORCE', 'name': 'imageSource'}, {'id': 'NROWS', 'name': 'numRows'}, {'id': 'NCOLS', 'name': 'numCols'}, {'id': 'PVTYPE', 'name': 'pixelValueType'}, {'id': 'IREP', 'name': 'imageRepresentation'}, {'id': 'ICAT', 'name': 'imageCategory'}, {'id': 'ABPP', 'name': 'actualBitsPerPixel'}, {'id': 'PJUST', 'name': 'pixelJustification'}, {'id': 'ICORDS', 'name': 'imageCoordinateSystem'}, {'id': 'IGEOLO', 'name': 'cornerCoordinates'}, {'id': 'NICOM', 'name': 'numImageComments'}, {'id': 'IC', 'name': 'imageCompression'}, {'id': 'COMRAT', 'name': 'compressionRate'}, {'id': 'NBANDS', 'name': 'numImageBands'}, ...]
NITF_VER_20 = 100
NITF_VER_21 = 101