42 school's first project, libft, is about learning how the standard functions of C programming work, by coding them from scratch and creating our very own library.
This project has been archived in the state it was in at the time of evaluation.
Libft is a very important project, since this library will be used in future 42 school assignments. If you are a 42 student, I highly recommend you go through the trial and error process of writing your own code and testing it yourself, rather than copy-pasting code you only half-understand. If you've succeeded your piscine, there is no reason you couldn't figure this project out for yourself! Be patient and thorough.
Finished: 2022-01-18. Grade: 125/100.
to compile mandatory functions.
make bonus
to compile with bonus functions.
The mandatory functions of libft are either functions from the standard C library or other useful functions. They are mostly useful for character, string and memory manipulation. These 34 mandatory functions must be done correctly to get a 100% grade.
Functions to check and manipulate characters:
- ft_isalpha
- ft_isdigit
- ft_isalnum
- ft_isascii
- ft_isprint
- ft_toupper
- ft_tolower
Functions to manipulate strings:
- ft_strlen
- ft_strlcpy
- ft_strlcat
- ft_strchr
- ft_strrchr
- ft_strncmp
- ft_strnstr
- ft_substr
- ft_strjoin
- ft_strtrim
- ft_split
- ft_strmapi
- ft_striteri
Functions to manipulate memory:
- ft_calloc
- ft_memset
- ft_bzero
- ft_memcpy
- ft_memmove
- ft_memchr
- ft_memcmp
- ft_strdup
Functions for numbers:
- ft_atoi
- ft_itoa
Functions to write to a file descriptor
- ft_putchar_fd
- ft_putstr_fd
- ft_putendl_fd
- ft_putnbr_fd
The bonus functions of libft deal with list manipulation. This part is worth an extra 25% to the final grade.
- ft_lstnew
- ft_lstadd_front
- ft_lstsize
- ft_lstlast
- ft_lstadd_back
- ft_lstdelone
- ft_lstclear
- ft_lstiter
- ft_lstmap
Made by mcombeau: [email protected] | LinkedIn: mcombeau | Website: codequoi.com