Universal plan (U) is a series of projects that contains thousands of ideas. U aims to create a completely new operating system that is able to run on any platform within a single respiratory. Similar to LibreOffice, U is coded using various languages, namely C, C++, C# Java, React.js, Bash, Powershell, Python, Mojo, Perl, SQL, and XML. A vast amount of files are expected. U also aims to create a Hub for people to use the U library easily, so U will be able to be applicable on both Java and C. U also allows people in The-cooperation-plan to use U as a hub to share their ideas, as well as to seek collaborators. U will be actively linked with LinkedIn and Github Global Campus, allowing a higher chance for people to seek ideas and collaborators.
The structure of U is designed to give the maximum freedom for people joining U in this Github Respiratory. The role of members is mainly divided into two different sections:
- Recommandable - People are able to get their roles due to different interests, abilities, etc...
- Admin - People are not able to get this type of role since this type of role keeps the entire project running.
There are three Admin roles:
- Host (MCHIGM)
- Operator (members in The-cooperation-plan)
- Leader (chosen by the Host after being recommended by half of the Operators)
The Recommendable roles are yet to be decided
The following chart visualizes the member structure of U:
| Role | Role type | Member's Github Username | Details |
|--- |--- |--- |--- |
| Host | Admin | MCHIGM | The creator of the respiratory |
| Administrator | Admin | The-cooperation-plan | All the members who are in The-cooperation-plan are Administrators |
| Administrator | Admin | MCHIGM | MCHIGM controls all the administration activities.
For any further inquiries, please contact MCHIGM through https://mchigm.github.io | | Experienced Developer | Recommandable | The-cooperation-plan | All members who are in The-cooperation-plan are able to become this role after finishing a simple test. |
Any person is welcome to join U. In order to join U, you need to do the following:
- Go to https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=W9DY3vCEFEi69vP6uVUii62gTeoAOF1Aj2ABDaoxeABURTlBSVpaU1gyUFRJRVoxRVJUVEo5NjNLSC4u, fill in the form with your GitHub username and preferred email filled in correctly.
- Email yuemingdd[at]gmail[dot]com, title the mail "Uapplication", and type in your username for the entire email only.
- Wait for a few days, and you should receive an email sent from this respiratory to become a collaborator.
- You are also able to see your username in the table in the next part.
GitHub username | role |
MCHIGM | Host, Administrator |
yet to be decided