New Additions
- Tutorials & workshops
- Workshop: Quartaki — 6 hour introduction to Quarto - Using R and RStudio by Athanasia Mo Mowinckel covering basic markdown, html reports, citation & cross-refs, pdf and journal templates and Reveal.js presentations.
- Blog posts
- Use R to Generate a Quarto Blogpost - A blog post about using R to generate Quarto blog post by Tom Mock.
- Quarto Document Best Practices - A blog post about opinionated best practices for Quarto documents.
- Talks and videos
- Introduction to Quarto - R-Ladies St. Louis: Introduction to Quarto by Isabella Velásquez (materials: https://github.com/ivelasq/2022-10-27_intro-to-quarto).
- Quarto YouTube Playlist - A YouTube playlist of videos about Quarto and Pandoc by Eli Holmes.
- Extensions
- include-code-files - Include code from files using code cells option/attribute.
- designmode - A quarto extension, adding a toggle for designMode in
- Templates
- lettre-gouv - A Quarto extension template for French governmental documents.
- metropolis-theme - Opinionated port of the Metropolis template for Quarto
- Real Life Examples
- Follow
- Christophe Dervieux (@cderv) - Member of Quarto core team (Twitter: @chrisderv; Mastodon: @[email protected]).
- Carlos Scheidegger (@cscheid) - Member of Quarto core team (Twitter: @scheidegger; Mastodon: @[email protected]).
- Tom Mock (@jthomasmock) - Customer Enablement & Quarto Product Manager (Twitter: @thomas_mock; Mastodon: @[email protected]).
- Mickaël Canouil (@mcanouil) - Maintainer of Awesome Quarto list (Twitter: @MickaelCanouil; Mastodon: @[email protected]).