Displays US election meters similar (pure coincidence i assure you) to others you may have seen.
But I'm not a rapper frontend developer.
./mvnw clean package
java -jar target/pointer-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
(uses Java 8 or later)
Confuse and infuriate any friends you may have by POSTing new values to the /update endpoint:
curl -X POST "localhost:8080/update?chance=10&margin=-11&votes=-290&isForecast=false"
param is from 0 to 100 and is the chance of trumo winning. 0 is a Biden certainty, 100 is a certain win for the other guy.
param is from -12 (12 pt swing to D) to +12 (12 pt swing to R)
is from 270 to 540 (if you mean Trump) or in the range -540 to -270 (if you mean Biden)
is true or false, not required and will default to true if not present
Connected meters will be updated via the magic of websockets.
It looks like this