Ever seen those avatars (basically everywhere) that has your initials — mine would be LR; Lasse Rafn — well this package allows you to generate those, in a simple manner.
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There's also a api you can use: https://ui-avatars.com
You just require using composer and you're good to go!
composer require lasserafn/php-initial-avatar-generator
Rad, and long, package name.. huh? Sorry. I'm not very good with names.
As with installation, usage is quite simple. Generating a image is done by running:
$avatar = new LasseRafn\InitialAvatarGenerator\InitialAvatar();
$image = $avatar->name('Lasse Rafn')->generate();
Thats it! The method will return a instance of Image from Intervention so you can stream, download or even encode the image:
return $image->toPng();
You can also just pass along the initials, and it will use those. Should you just include a first name, it will use the first two letters of it.
$avatar = new LasseRafn\InitialAvatarGenerator\InitialAvatar();
echo $avatar->name('Lasse Rafn')->generateSvg()->toXMLString(); // returns SVG XML string
Of cause, passing a name is not the only thing this sweet thing does!
$image = $avatar->name('Albert Magnum')->generate();
Will detect language script (using lasserafn/php-string-script-language) and use a font that supports it.
$image = $avatar->autoFont()->generate();
// will be 96 pixels wide.
$image = $avatar->width(96)->generate();
// will be 96 pixels tall.
$image = $avatar->height(96)->generate();
// will be 96x96 pixels.
$image = $avatar->size(96)->generate();
// will be red
$image = $avatar->background('#ff0000')->generate();
// will be red
$image = $avatar->color('#ff0000')->generate();
// Will choose a background color based on `name` and a contrasting font color. The color for a specific name will always be the same.
$image = $avatar->autoColor()->generate();
Two fonts with two variants are included:
- /fonts/OpenSans-Regular.ttf
- /fonts/OpenSans-Semibold.ttf
- /fonts/NotoSans-Bold.ttf
- /fonts/NotoSans-Regular.ttf
The method will look for the font, if none found it will append __DIR__
and try again, and if not it will default to the first GD Internal Font.
If you input an integer between 1 and 5, it will use a GD Internal font as per that number.
// will be Semibold
$image = $avatar->font('/fonts/OpenSans-Semibold.ttf')->generate();
$image = $avatar->fontName('Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif')->generate();
$image = $avatar->name('John Doe Johnson')->length(3)->generate(); // 3 letters = JDJ
$image = $avatar->gd()->generate(); // Uses GD driver
$image = $avatar->imagick()->generate(); // Uses Imagick driver
$image = $avatar->rounded()->generate();
Makes rounding smoother with a resizing hack. Could be slower.
$image = $avatar->rounded()->smooth()->generate();
If you are going to use rounded()
, you want to use smooth()
to avoid pixelated edges. Disabled by default because it COULD be slower.
I would recommend just rounding with CSS.
$image = $avatar->fontSize(0.25)->generate(); // Font will be 25% of image size.
If the Image size is 50px and fontSize is 0.5, the font size will be 25px.
We will not use the ->font() method in this example; as I like the regular one.
return $avatar->name('Lasse Rafn')
->size(96) // 48 * 2
Now, using that in a image (sized 48x48 pixels for retina):
<img src="url-for-avatar-generation" width="48" height="48" style="border-radius: 100%" />
Will yield:
Rounded for appearance; the actual avatar is a filled square
The package supports FontAwesome (v5) and already distributes the free version as otf
format (see /fonts
However, when using FontAwesome you may want to display one specific icon instead of the user's initials. This package, therefore, provides a handy glyph($code)
method to be used along with FontAwesome.
First, you need to "find" the respective unicode for the glyph you want to insert. For example, you may want to display a typical "user" icon (unicode: f007
). The unicode is located near the name of the icon (e.g., see here the user icon as an example here: https://fontawesome.com/icons/user ).
An example for rendering a red avatar with a white "user" glyph would look like this:
// note that we
// 1) use glyph() instead of name
// 2) change the font to FontAwesome!
return $avatar->glyph('f007')
- PHP +8.1
- Fileinfo Extension (from intervention/image)
Some letters are not supported by the default font files, so I added some fonts to add support. You must use autoFont()
to enable this feature. Supported are:
- Arabic
- Armenian
- Bengali
- Georgian
- Hebrew
- Mongolian
- Chinese
- Thai
- Tibetan
Open Source is best when supported by a community. Any size of contribution is very appreciated.
- GD Library (>=2.0)
- Imagick PHP extension (>=6.5.7)