The Patent Retrieval Algorithm is a Python script that allows you to search and download patents from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). With this script, you can easily find patents based on a specific number or year, and download them in PDF format.
To build and use this algorithm, you'll need:
- Python 3 installed on your computer
- The requests library installed in Python (for making HTTP requests)
- A valid USPTO patent number (if you want to search by patent number)
To use the Patent Downloading algorithm, follow these steps:
Searching by Patent Number
Searching by Year
Determining Highest Patent Number for Each Year
This algorithm can be customized to search for patents based on a wide variety of criteria, including keywords, inventors, and assignees. To do this, incorporate beautifulsoup4 and create a function that can return patent parameters and parse these parameters and only save pdfs as these parameters are met.
In conclusion, building a Patent Retrieval algorithm is a relatively simple task that can be accomplished with just a few lines of Python code. By using the requests library to make HTTP requests and parse HTML, it's possible to search and download large numbers of patents quickly and efficiently. This algorithm can also be easily customized to search for patents based on a wide variety of criteria, making it a powerful tool for researchers and patent professionals alike.
Created By: Maxwell Dalrymple