MaxMind::DB::Reader::XS - Fast XS implementation of MaxMind DB reader
version 1.000009
my $reader = MaxMind::DB::Reader->new( file => 'path/to/database.mmdb' );
my $record = $reader->record_for_address('');
Simply installing this module causes MaxMind::DB::Reader to use the XS implementation, which is much faster than the Perl implementation.
The XS implementation links against the libmaxminddb library.
See MaxMind::DB::Reader for API details.
This module uses semantic versioning as described by Version numbers can be read as X.YYYZZZ, where X is the major number, YYY is the minor number, and ZZZ is the patch number.
If you're running into install errors under Mac OS X, you may need to force a
build of the 64 bit binary. For example, if you're installing via cpanm
ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64" cpanm MaxMind::DB::Reader::XS
The version of libmaxminddb that is available by default with Ubuntu may be too old for this level of MaxMind::DB::Reader::XS. However, we do maintain a Launchpad PPA for all supported levels of Ubuntu.
Please visit the PPA page for more information, or, to configure your system, run as root:
# apt-add-repository ppa:maxmind/ppa
# apt-get update
The PPA is now configured, and you may install (or upgrade) the libmaxminddb library via the usual apt commands.
This module is deprecated and will only receive fixes for major bugs and security vulnerabilities. New features and functionality will not be added.
Please report all issues with this code using the GitHub issue tracker at
Bugs may be submitted through
- Boris Zentner [email protected]
- Dave Rolsky [email protected]
- Ran Eilam [email protected]
- Andy Jack [email protected]
- Chris Weyl [email protected]
- Florian Ragwitz [email protected]
- Greg Oschwald [email protected]
- Hidenori Sugiyama [email protected]
- Mark Fowler [email protected]
- Nick Logan [email protected]
- Olaf Alders [email protected]
This software is Copyright (c) 2013 - 2022 by MaxMind, Inc.
This is free software, licensed under:
The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)