debian/ubuntu aliases of my own
I put all those here with different purposes in mind:
- ease the exchange with my linux wonderful world co-explorators (Grüßen Nitneuk & Stefen)
- get eventual tips, feedbacks and improvements suggestions
- get my hand on bash, git & github (see 'Help for Git & Github' hereafter)
####Easy version
- find the aliases that fit your need in the text files (sorted by thematic)
- open the file ~/.bash_aliases for edition and paste the alias (create one if none)
- save
- reload the aliases with the command . ~/.bashrc (reload aliases globally: ~/.bash_aliases is just for your session)
####Junky version (generate the ~/.bash_aliases file from multiple text files)
- create a folder dedicated to your aliases
- create there a text file 'loc-dir' to define the path you will use as variable -> set 'aldir' (for alias-directory) to the path of the alias folder you just created: aldir=~/MyAliases (make sure you don't use a '/' at the end)
- you will generate your '~/.bash_aliases' file with the 'genal' function (cf AliasManagement) -> make sure to also set a 'exclude_from_aliases' variable: mine look like exclude_from_aliases="readme|cat_src|old" (I exclude the source of this readme, an intermediary result of the genal function and my old aliases I don't use but don't want to erase yet)
- first generation requires to launch the command directly in the shell, it can look as this (mind to edit the 'exclude_from_aliases' variable depending of the file you already created that are ):
aldir=`pwd` exclude_from_aliases="" cd $aldir/src/; echo -e '\n\e[0;32 Starting to generate aliases' for filename in !($exclude_from_aliases); do echo -e "\n\n\n#$filename\n#===============================\n" cat "$filename" done > ~/.bash_aliases; echo -e '\n\e[0;32 bash_aliases re-generated' }
- As for the Easy version, you need to reload the aliases with the command . ~/.bashrc (reload aliases globally: ~/.bash_aliases is just for your session)
######NB: Problems with Github MarkDown I could find a way to nicely escape bash commentaries '#' which Github MarkDown turned into hearders, I thus replaced them with backslash (cf genalreadme). Beware not to copy commentaries without changing back from '' to '#' !
######Manipulate Aliases see 'Alias management' functionalities includes:
- edit the aliases file ('edal')
- generate the alias file from different source text file ('genal')
- reload aliases ('real')
- add an alias to aliases from command line ('addal')
- search in existing aliases ('catag')
######Installation required
- Some commands require to install packages (nethogs, xrandr...): time to fire your 'agi'!
######Help for bash syntax
######Help for Git & Github If some want to use this repo for pedagogic purpose too, you are very welcome! Here is a great tutorial