CLI for AWS Elastic Beanstalk deployments
Inspired by dpl.
$ npm install -g @maxdome/eb-deploy
Usage: eb-deploy [options]
CLI for AWS Elastic Beanstalk deployments
-V, --version output the version number
-a, --application-name <value> name of the Elastic Beanstalk application
-e, --environment-name <value> name of the Elastic Beanstalk environment
-z, --zip-file [value] the ZIP file that should be deployed
-b, --bucket [value] name of the S3 bucket to upload the ZIP file to
-p, --bucket-path [value] target location of the ZIP file within the S3 bucket
-l, --version-label [value] version label of the new app version
-d, --version-description [value] description of the new app version
-r, --assume-role [value] AWS role ARN to assume
--only-create-app-version only create a new app version without actually deploying it
--ignore-existing-app-version do not deploy an existing app version if the version with the label already exists
--skip-wait-until-deployed do not wait until the app is deployed
--skip-cleanup skip the cleanup after the deploy
--region [value] AWS region of the Elastic Beanstalk application
--access-key-id [value] AWS Access Key ID
--secret-access-key [value] AWS Secret Access Key
--session-token [value] AWS Session Token
-h, --help output usage information
eb-deploy --application-name test-application \
--environment-name test-application-test