Main structure is the main script of 2 main functions. Each stg function is of 5 step functions.
Step 1. Filter by Location
Step 2. Tweet Hydration (ID to full Tweet JSON)
Step 3. Filter by English
Step 4. NER tagging
Step 5. Get graphs
Step 1. Get peaking entities
Step 2. Trace back to texts.
Step 3. Get nouns and noun-phrases.
Step 4. Get KeyGraph.
Step 5. Detect community and group the n&nps.
Use Stg1() to process individual CrisisNLP files; Stg2() to process an entire folder after individual files are created.
Data flow CrisisNLP raw data per day (only provide geo data and Tweet ID), dict ↓ Tweet IDs filtered by geo data, json file of [ID] ↓ full Tweet JSON given by Twitter, json file ↓ Tweet ID and full_text property (full_text + retweet full_text if it’s a retweet), tuple (ID, full_text) ↓ NER (Name entity recognition) tagged entities, list [NER entity] ↓ Graph, dict
After graphs are collected under graph folder: Graphs ↓ Peaking entities ↓ Full_texts, traced back to ↓ Nouns and noun-phrases, extracted from full_texts ↓ KeyGraph ↓ Community of nouns and noun-phrases
File based explanation texts2NER() is the main function. Use to decide what NER types to include/exclude. This is where “Organization”, “People” and “Place” filtering is decided. get_NERs() is where Stanza NER tagging takes place. GPU is automatically enabled via use_gpu. Input is a large string of tweets joined by delimiter. Delimiter to be configured in get_knowledge_graph() is the main function. Preprocessing step (texts2NER) is included. Can be skipped if input data is NERs or docs. Graph data is of properties “e_sigs_mean”, which is a python dictionary of entity significance, “edge_weight” (as illustrated in the paper), “timeblock”, “word_index_dict” for full_text tracing, and “doc_length” for divide2blocks() operation in get_peaking_entities() is the main func. The process involves: removing trending entities with remove_trend(), evaluation per mean and standard deviation according to paper
and eventually, removing those with significance below minimum. Configure X, Y, minimum from stg2(). The paper didn’t specify the trending removal process, hence remove_trend() is my own creation based on manipulation of first differences. Feel free to edit this function to your content. get_key_graph() and get_groups() are the main funcs for this file.
The essential step, texts2docs() is moved to and Import the function from either file. get_key_graph() takes in a timeblock to get the corresponding file from the “noun and noun phrases” folder and to run get_knowledge_graph() on the file. Get_groups takes in a graph and output groups of keywords belong to that graph. Extract n&nps with ToPMine algorithm. Configure the parameters with ToPMine/TopicalPhrases/ It’s able to extract longer and more distinctive phrases that help to understand the tweet better, however may include adverbs or verbs etc. Increase “thresh” under to reduce the selection pool. (4 is the code author’s default value) Extract n&nps with TextBlob algorithm. It’s more accurate in identifying nouns and noun phrases, but since the selected phrases are shorter, more common and less distinctive, it’s harder for Louvaine detection to find accurate ways of grouping them.