A small container for running the glorious mumbledj application for your mumble server built from an Alpine base.
It's configured to use /etc/mumbledj.yaml
as the default configuration path.
The recommended way to run this container is as follows:
$ docker run -d mattikus/murmur --server <mumble server ip> --port <mumble server port>
This application requires either a YouTube or SoundCloud API key to function well. See the mumbledj documentation for instructions on how to acquire these keys.
If you want to tweak the default config.yaml
, you should run this after running your container at least once:
docker cp your-container-name:/root/.config/mumbledj/config.yaml ./mumbledj.yaml
To run the container with your tweaked configuration file:
$ docker run -d -v /path/to/your/mumbledj.yaml:/etc/mumbledj.yaml mattikus/mumbledj <args>