By: Matt Peck
I wanted to take some time to recreate one of my favorite web apps from scratch and use it to show my skills and technology interests publicly since most of my work is private.
I'm a huge fan of Todoist - I use it daily - and I thought it would be fun to re-engineer the free version of the app just by analyzing the functionality and attempting to mimick it.
It's important for me to keep track of my time while working on side projects, because it helps me understand my own level of expertise, but also expose areas that need work.
27hrs 0min
What would a project for managing to do's be without it's own to do list?
- Back End: Firebase Auth & Cloud Functions
- Live Notification Updates (thinking react-toastify)
- Drag and Drop Functionality
- Multi-Layered Projects
- Date Recurrences
- Keyboard Shortcuts + Form Injections
- Responsive Layout + Form
- Todo Settings Menu
- Sidebar Separation (fixed position)
- Color Coded Projects
- Topbar Actions ...And this just covers most of the free functionality