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update destinations - pseudo entry nodes for parks and schools; separ…
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…ate nodes for each mode
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StevePem committed Feb 9, 2024
1 parent 350cc39 commit 46f639a
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Showing 3 changed files with 208 additions and 49 deletions.
243 changes: 197 additions & 46 deletions functions/addDestinations.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ addDestinations <- function(nodes_current,
# create tables for points and polygons, allocate unique id's (so features
# multiple multiple nodes can be grouped by the id where required),
# and store area and location details
echo("Destination point features\n") <-

Expand All @@ -93,6 +94,7 @@ addDestinations <- function(nodes_current,
centroid_x = st_coordinates(.)[, 1],
centroid_y = st_coordinates(.)[, 2])

echo("Destination polygon features\n")
destination.poly <-
destination.layer(polygons) %>%
filter(st_is_valid(geom)) %>%
Expand All @@ -117,70 +119,219 @@ addDestinations <- function(nodes_current,
# find relevant nodes ----
# For all destinations except parks and schools ('small features'), relevant
# node is nearest node to point or to polygon centroid

# For parks and schools ('large features'):
# - points are buffered to 50m to create a polygon feature,
# - for buffered points and polygons, relevant nodes are all nodes within the
# feature and terminal nodes of links within 30m of boundary, or if none,
# then nearest node to boundary
# In each case, nodes/links must be cyclable

cyclable.links <- edges_current %>%
filter(is_cycle == 1)
cyclable.nodes <- nodes_current %>%
filter(id %in% cyclable.links$from_id | id %in% cyclable.links$to_id)
# Find nodes available for each mode
links.cycle <- edges_current %>% filter(is_cycle == 1)
nodes.cycle <- nodes_current %>% filter(id %in% links.cycle$from_id | id %in% links.cycle$to_id)

# 'small' destinations
dest.small <- bind_rows(,
destination.poly %>% st_centroid()) %>%
filter(!(dest_type %in% c("park", "primary_school", "secondary_school")))
near_node <- cyclable.nodes$id[st_nearest_feature(dest.small, cyclable.nodes)]
dest.small.with.nodes <- cbind(dest.small %>% st_drop_geometry(), near_node)
links.walk <- edges_current %>% filter(is_walk == 1)
nodes.walk <- nodes_current %>% filter(id %in% links.walk$from_id | id %in% links.walk$to_id) <- edges_current %>% filter(is_car == 1) <- nodes_current %>% filter(id %in%$from_id | id %in%$to_id)

# 'small' features
dest.small <- bind_rows(, destination.poly) %>%
filter(!(dest_type %in% c("park", "primary_school", "secondary_school")))
# nearest node of each mode
node_cycle <- nodes.cycle$id[st_nearest_feature(dest.small %>% st_centroid(), nodes.cycle)]
node_walk <- nodes.walk$id[st_nearest_feature(dest.small %>% st_centroid(), nodes.walk)]
node_car <-$id[st_nearest_feature(dest.small %>% st_centroid(),]
# join nearest nodes to features
dest.small.with.nodes <- cbind(dest.small, node_cycle, node_walk, node_car)

# 'large' destinations
dest.large <- bind_rows( %>% st_buffer(50),
destination.poly) %>%
# 'large' features - points <- %>%
filter(dest_type %in% c("park", "primary_school", "secondary_school"))
# nearest node of each mode
node_cycle <- nodes.cycle$id[st_nearest_feature( %>% st_centroid(), nodes.cycle)]
node_walk <- nodes.walk$id[st_nearest_feature( %>% st_centroid(), nodes.walk)]
node_car <-$id[st_nearest_feature( %>% st_centroid(),]
# join nearest nodes to features <- cbind(, node_cycle, node_walk, node_car)

# 'large' features - polygons
dest.large.poly <- destination.poly %>%
filter(dest_type %in% c("park", "primary_school", "secondary_school"))

# # - nodes within the feature
# dest.large.nodes.within <- dest.large %>%
# st_intersection(., cyclable.nodes %>% dplyr::select(near_node = id)) %>%
# st_drop_geometry()

# - terminal nodes of links within feature buffered to 30m (will include any
# nodes within feature itself, as their links will fall within the buffered
# feature)
dest.large.found.nodes <- dest.large %>%
st_buffer(30) %>%
st_intersection(., cyclable.links %>% dplyr::select(from_id, to_id)) %>%
echo(paste("Finding entry nodes for", nrow(dest.large.poly), "parks and schools\n"))

# internal nodes
internal.nodes.cycle <- nodes.cycle %>%
st_intersection(dest.large.poly) %>%
st_drop_geometry() %>%
pivot_longer(cols = c("from_id", "to_id"),
names_to = NULL,
values_to = "near_node") %>%

# - nearest node if none within and no links within 30m
dest.large.other <- dest.large %>%
filter(!(dest_id %in% dest.large.found.nodes$dest_id))
near_node <- cyclable.nodes$id[st_nearest_feature(dest.large.other, cyclable.nodes)]
dest.large.other.nodes <- cbind(dest.large.other %>% st_drop_geometry(), near_node)
dplyr::select(id, dest_id)
internal.nodes.walk <- nodes.walk %>%
st_intersection(dest.large.poly) %>%
st_drop_geometry() %>%
dplyr::select(id, dest_id) <- %>%
st_intersection(dest.large.poly) %>%
st_drop_geometry() %>%
dplyr::select(id, dest_id)

# pseudo entry points
# buffered links
links.cycle.buffered <- st_buffer(links.cycle, 30)
links.walk.buffered <- st_buffer(links.walk, 30) <- st_buffer(, 30)

# setup for parallel processing and progress reporting
cores <- detectCores()
cluster <- parallel::makeCluster(cores)
pb <- txtProgressBar(max = nrow(dest.large.poly), style = 3)
progress <- function(n) setTxtProgressBar(pb, n)
opts <- list(progress = progress)

# report
echo(paste("Finding boundary points for", nrow(dest.large.poly),
"parks and schools; parallel processing with", cores, "cores\n"))

# loop to find list of boundary points
boundary.points <-
foreach(i = 1:nrow(dest.large.poly),
# foreach(i = 1:8,
# .combine = rbind,
.packages = c("dplyr", "sf"),
.options.snow = opts) %dopar% {

dest <- dest.large.poly[i,]

dest.boundary.points <- dest %>%
# convert destination polygons boundaries to linestring
st_cast(to = "MULTILINESTRING") %>%
st_cast(to = "LINESTRING") %>%
# locate points at 20m along boundaries
st_line_sample(., density = units::set_units(20, m))


# convert the list of boundary points into a dataframe
# extract coordinates and ids (row numbers, corresponding to dest.large.poly rows)
coordinates <- lapply(boundary.points, function(x) st_coordinates(x[[1]]))
ids <- seq_along(boundary.points)
# make dataframe of ids and x and y coordinates
boundary.df <- data.frame(
id = rep(ids, sapply(coordinates, nrow)),
x = unlist(lapply(coordinates, function(x) x[,1])),
y = unlist(lapply(coordinates, function(x) x[,2])))
# convert to sf object
boundary.sf <- st_as_sf(boundary.df, coords = c("x", "y")) %>%

# pseudo entry points with nodes
pseudo.entry.nodes.cycle <- boundary.sf %>%
# keep only those within 30m of cyclable links
st_filter(links.cycle.buffered, .predicate = st_intersects) %>%
# nearest nodes to the entry points
mutate(node_cycle = nodes.cycle$id[st_nearest_feature(., nodes.cycle)]) %>%

pseudo.entry.nodes.walk <- boundary.sf %>%
# keep only those within 30m of walkable links
st_filter(links.walk.buffered, .predicate = st_intersects) %>%
# nearest nodes to the entry points
mutate(node_walk = nodes.walk$id[st_nearest_feature(., nodes.walk)]) %>%
st_drop_geometry() <- boundary.sf %>%
# keep only those within 30m of driveable links
st_filter(, .predicate = st_intersects) %>%
# nearest nodes to the entry points
mutate(node_car =$id[st_nearest_feature(.,]) %>%

# loop through large destination polygons, find their internal and pseudo entry
# nodes (and fallback nearest node), and combine
echo(paste("Assembling entry points for", nrow(dest.large.poly),
"parks and schools; parallel processing with", cores, "cores\n"))

# loop to assemble entry nodes
dest.large.poly.with.nodes <-
foreach(i = 1:nrow(dest.large.poly),
# foreach(i = 1:8,
.combine = rbind,
.packages = c("dplyr"),
.options.snow = opts) %dopar% {

dest <- dest.large.poly[i,]

# nodes within features (identifier is 'dest_id')
dest.internal.nodes.cycle <- internal.nodes.cycle %>%
filter(dest_id == dest$dest_id) %>%
dest.internal.nodes.walk <- internal.nodes.walk %>%
filter(dest_id == dest$dest_id) %>%
.$id <- %>%
filter(dest_id == dest$dest_id) %>%

# pseudo entry nodes (identifier is 'id', which is row number)
dest.pseudo.entry.nodes.cycle <- pseudo.entry.nodes.cycle %>%
filter(id == i) %>%
dest.pseudo.entry.nodes.walk <- pseudo.entry.nodes.walk %>%
filter(id == i) %>%
.$node_walk <- %>%
filter(id == i) %>%

# combined nodes
entry.nodes.cycle <- unique(c(dest.internal.nodes.cycle, dest.pseudo.entry.nodes.cycle))
entry.nodes.walk <- unique(c(dest.internal.nodes.walk, dest.pseudo.entry.nodes.walk)) <- unique(c(,

# fallback if no internal or pseudo entry nodes
if (length(entry.nodes.cycle) == 0) {
entry.nodes.cycle <- nodes.cycle$id[st_nearest_feature(dest, nodes.cycle)]
if (length(entry.nodes.walk) == 0) {
entry.nodes.walk <- nodes.walk$id[st_nearest_feature(dest, nodes.walk)]
if (length( == 0) { <-$id[st_nearest_feature(dest,]

# convert the entry nodes to strings, and add to the dest row
dest$node_cycle <- toString(entry.nodes.cycle)
dest$node_walk <- toString(entry.nodes.walk)
dest$node_car <- toString(


# combine the large destinations
dest.large.with.nodes <- bind_rows(dest.large.found.nodes,
# close the progress bar and cluster

# combine all destinations for output ----
dest.with.nodes <- bind_rows(dest.small.with.nodes,
dest.large.with.nodes) %>%
dest.with.nodes <- bind_rows(dest.small.with.nodes %>%
mutate(node_cycle = as.character(node_cycle),
node_walk = as.character(node_walk),
node_car = as.character(node_car)), %>%
mutate(node_cycle = as.character(node_cycle),
node_walk = as.character(node_walk),
node_car = as.character(node_car)),
dest.large.poly.with.nodes) %>%
relocate(dest_id) %>%
relocate(dest_type, .after = dest_id) %>%
relocate(near_node, .after = dest_type) %>%
relocate(other_tags, .after = last_col()) %>%

# and join nodes for locations
left_join(., nodes_current %>% dplyr::select(id), by = c("near_node" = "id"))

relocate(node_cycle, .after = dest_type) %>%
relocate(node_walk, .after = node_cycle) %>%
relocate(node_car, .after = node_walk) %>%
relocate(other_tags, .after = last_col())


Expand Down
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions functions/getPTStops.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ getPTStops <- function(city, gtfs_feed, outputCrs, region, regionBufferDist) {
# region = "../data/processed/greater_melbourne.sqlite"
# regionBufferDist = 10000

echo("Reading in GTFS data to find public transport stop locations\n")

# read in GTFS feed
gtfs <- read_gtfs(gtfs_feed) %>%
gtfs_as_sf(., crs = 4326)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -41,15 +43,15 @@ getPTStops <- function(city, gtfs_feed, outputCrs, region, regionBufferDist) {
} else if (!all(route_types %in% c("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "11", "12"))) {
message("GTFS Feed contains the following route type codes: ", paste(route_types, collapse = ", "), ". Unable to process these using
the standard route codes from, which are:
0-tram, 1-metro, 2-train, 3-bus, 4-ferry, 5-cable tram, 6-cable car, 7-funicular, 11-trolleybus, 12 monorail.
0-tram, 1-metro, 2-train, 3-bus, 4-ferry, 5-cable tram, 6-cable car, 7-funicular, 11-trolleybus, 12-monorail.
Edit getPTStops.R to specify the meanings of the codes used in the GTFS Feed.
PT stops will not be included in destinations.")
stops.found = FALSE

} else {
message("GTFS Feed contains the following route type codes: ", paste(route_types, collapse = ", "), ".
Using standard route_type codes from
0-tram, 1-metro, 2-train, 3-bus, 4-ferry, 5-cable tram, 6-cable car, 7-funicular, 11-trolleybus, 12 monorail.
0-tram, 1-metro, 2-train, 3-bus, 4-ferry, 5-cable tram, 6-cable car, 7-funicular, 11-trolleybus, 12-monorail.
Adjust 'getPTStops' function if these don't match the codes used in your GTFS feed.")
stops.routetypes.coded <- stops.routetypes %>%
mutate(pt_stop_type = case_when(
Expand Down
8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion functions/writeOutputs.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -70,7 +70,13 @@ exportShp <- function(networkFinal, outputDir, outputCrs){
driver = "ESRI Shapefile", layer_options = 'GEOMETRY=AS_XY',
delete_layer = T)
if (length(networkFinal) > 2) {
st_write(networkFinal[[3]], paste0(shpDir,'/destinations.shp'),
message("When writing destinations to shapefile, long 'other_tags' may be truncated; consider using sqlite instead.") <- st_collection_extract(networkFinal[[3]], type = "POINT")
dest.poly <- st_collection_extract(networkFinal[[3]], type = "POLYGON")
st_write(, paste0(shpDir,'/destinations_point.shp'),
driver = "ESRI Shapefile", layer_options = 'GEOMETRY=AS_XY',
delete_layer = T)
st_write(dest.poly, paste0(shpDir,'/destinations_polygon.shp'),
driver = "ESRI Shapefile", layer_options = 'GEOMETRY=AS_XY',
delete_layer = T)
Expand Down

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