This project is a demonstration of a real-time search analytics application, created as part of the Helpjuice Full-Stack Internship Test. The application features a real-time search functionality where users can search for articles, and it captures and displays analytics about these searches.
Deployed App: Real-Time Analytics App
GitHub Repository: GitHub - Realtime Analytics
- Real-time search functionality for articles.
- Analytics dashboard displaying search trends and patterns.
- IP-based user tracking to segregate search data per user.
- Scalable architecture to handle high volumes of requests.
- Optimized for performance and instantaneous search experience.
- Ruby on Rails
- PostgreSQL (or another database as configured)
Clone the repository and install the dependencies:
git clone
cd realtime-analytics
bundle install
rails db:create db:migrate
To run the application locally:
rails server
Then, navigate to http://localhost:3000
in your web browser.
This application includes a suite of tests to ensure functionality and scalability:
- Run tests using RSpec:
bundle exec rspec
👤 Matovu Farid Nkoba
- GitHub: @matovu-farid
- Twitter: @matovu100
- LinkedIn: matovu-farid
- Thanks to the Helpjuice team for the opportunity to participate in this challenge.