Releases: mateuszarchicinski/Restful-API--NodeJS-ExpressJS
Releases · mateuszarchicinski/Restful-API--NodeJS-ExpressJS
Restful API - NodeJS & ExpressJS
In Restful API 1.0.1 version the following changes have been made:
Normal mode:
- depends entirely on the configuration in file project.config.js,
- allows you to create any number of pages in five types: main, normal, 404, 500, and redirect (examples in file project.config.js),
- defined default name of pages which will be displayed as a main page, error 404 page, error 500 page and redirect page,
- defined default directory for pages,
- home page is displayed in cases: https://YOUR_HOST, https://YOUR_HOST/en and https://YOUR_HOST/en/home,
- error page 404 is displayed in cases: not a valid language, not finding a page and too many parameters in a request e.g https://YOUR_HOST/en/home/idk,
- error page 404 is displayed also in a case when requested page object contains wrong file name to display,
- error page 500 is displayed in a case when there is an error in your newly added routing route,
- supports HTTP errors by displaying pages 404 and 500,
- page 500 is displayed in each undefined error case.
Angular mode:
- added a condition of redirecting to the main page in a case of a request https://YOUR_HOST///*,
- all error responses are sent as a JSON e.g {message: err.message, statusCode: err.statusCode || 500}.
Both modes:
- choice of any modes is possible in file project.config.js,
- defined default HTTP codes response of error, redirect and success,
- added a lot useful functions e.g getLang(req.params.lang) and getPage({param: 'name', value:}),
- added a place where you can add new routes,
- detected already all possible routes.
More information can be found directly in the code, where you will find a lot of interesting comments.
Restful API - NodeJS & ExpressJS
For more info check readme file.