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Installation Procedure

Martin 'Hasan' Bramwell edited this page Jan 14, 2014 · 7 revisions

How to prepare prerequisites for the installation process.

Configure "git"

sudo apt-get -y install git
cd ~
mkdir -p ~/.ssh
cd ~/.ssh
rm -f id_rsa
rm -f
echo " * * * * * * *      Paste SSH *private* key here * * * * * * *"
echo "                          <ctrl-d> to finish"
cat > id_rsa
echo " * * * * * * *      Paste SSH *public* key here * * * * * * *"
echo "                          <ctrl-d> to finish"
cat >
cp authorized_keys
chmod 600 ./*
cd ~
chmod 700 .ssh
git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global [email protected]
git config --global push.default simple


sudo apt-get -y install python-pip # unzip 
sudo pip install openerp-client-lib oauth2client Importing

Make a place to work

cd ~/
mkdir -p projects
cd projects

Obtain GData OpenERP data pump

git clone [email protected]:martinhbramwell/GData_OpenERP_Data_Pump.git

Obtain and install GSpread

git clone [email protected]:FleetingClouds/gspread.git
sudo pip install -e gspread

Obtain Authentication and then request Authorization

This step uses gspread/tests/ to prepare the tokens request to your expected end user. The required steps are documented here: How to get, use and refresh OAuth access tokens for gspread - Access and refresh tokens script

The credentials you need will be written to the file

cd ~/projects/GData_OpenERP_Data_Pump/
cp ../gspread/ .

Startup the Data Pump


You should get a result like this . . .

Will try with OAuth credentials
The creds_*.py file(s) may now be deleted.
usage: [-h] (-c | -k WORKBOOK_KEY) [-r START_ROW] error: one of the arguments -c/--clean -k/--workbook_key is required

As the error says, the pump depends on a specially formatted file to learn what to pump into OpenERP. Specify that spreadsheet with its identification key.

Copy this spreadsheet and edit it to connect to your OpenERP :

The run the pump referring, by key, to your copy.

 ./ -k 0AiVG6SoU001RdFdyc1NxOHN4eWZ6Q0lLMHVyWUpkaHc

You should get a result like this . . .

Connected to OpenERP database "bananarama" on server "".
Start work at row #4 in the "Tasks" sheet.
Found 0 tasks to process.

Finally, refer back to the -- First time execution