The following tools are used:
- Glassfish Server Open Source 4.1 Full Platform
- [Maven 3] (
- [Java SE 8 JDK] (
The modules are
- backend-resources
- customeroverview
The backend-resources project contains three REST-resources (customer, contracts and communications) that are used in the demo. The Media-type used in the response is JSON. This project uses only jersey to deliver the content.
These resources are reachable by the following url's:
- http://localhost:9998/customers/{username}
- http://localhost:9998/contracts/{customerId}
- http://localhost:9998/communications/{customerId}
Valid customer usernames are bbb, ccc and ddd. Valid customer ids are 100, 101, 102.
The customeroverview is the starting point of the demo and contains one REST-Resource, the customer overview. This resources aggregates the three resources of the backend-resources project
The url for the customer overview REST-resource is http://localhost:8080/demo-resource/customers/{customerId}.
Unzip glassfish ($GLASSFISH_HOME) somewhere, go to the directory $GLASSFISH_HOME/bin and
execute the following command to start the application server:
./asadmin start-domain
With the running Glassfish server configure it with the script 'glassfish-config.script'.
Run the script with the command
./asadmin multimode --file glassfish-config.script
WARNING: This will 'UnlockCommercialFeatures' 'FlightRecorder' as this was used for non-commercial testing. See for licensing.
Building and starting the backend-resources server is easy.
Run the script
in this directory (linux) or execute the appropriate actions for other operating systems.
The shell scripts builds the artifact and starts the jar-with-dependencies.
Stopping the backend server is just hitting ENTER.
Configure your IDE to use the configured Glassfish Server from within your IDE.