The app exposes a REST API to control wifi connectivity. Using the right network interface, it is possible to connect and disconnect from wifi networks, but also store and manage network configurations in /etc/network/interfaces and in a Sqlite3 database.
The app runs with Python 2.7.
Make sure pip is installed on your system, then set up the environment:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Launch the app by running the bash script: wifi_manager/interpreter/
Create a virtual environment and install the requirements:
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python .venv
. .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Launch the app by running the bash script: wifi_manager/interpreter/
The app listens by default on port 5000. Every request to the REST API must include the following header:
Here is a list of all API requests, the parameters they accept, and their purpose:
Request | Parameters | Purpose |
GET /networks | retrieve all network configurations stored in /etc/network/interfaces | |
GET /networks/gps | retrieve all network configurations stored in /etc/network/interfaces, including GPS location | |
GET /ifaces | retrieve all active network interfaces | |
GET /ifaces/addr | retrieve all active network interfaces and their IP addresses | |
GET /scan/<iface> |
iface : the wifi network interface |
scan a network interface for available wifi networks |
GET /status/<iface> |
iface : the wifi network interface |
find whether the given interface is connected to a network |
GET /available/<iface> |
iface : the wifi network interface |
find the best Wi-Fi network available, if any |
GET /location/<ssid> |
ssid : the name of the wifi network |
retrieve the location of a Wi-Fi network |
POST /enable/<iface> |
iface : the wifi network interface |
enable a network interface |
POST /disable/<iface> |
iface : the wifi network interface |
disable a network interface |
POST /networks/<iface> :<ssid> :<lat> :<lng> |
iface : the wifi network interface; ssid : the name of the wifi network; lat : latitude; lng : longitude |
store the configuration of an open wifi network in /etc/network/interfaces |
POST /networks/<iface> :<ssid> :<lat> :<lng> :<passkey> |
iface : the wifi network interface; ssid : the name of the wifi network; lat : latitude; lng : longitude; passkey : password of the secured wifi network |
store the configuration of a secured wifi network in /etc/network/interfaces |
POST /connect/<iface> :<ssid> :<lat> :<lng> |
iface : the wifi network interface; ssid : the name of the wifi network; lat : latitude; lng : longitude |
connect to an open wifi network |
POST /connect/<iface> :<ssid> :<lat> :<lng> :<passkey> |
iface : the wifi network interface; ssid : the name of the wifi network; lat : latitude; lng : longitude; passkey : password of the secured wifi network |
connect to a secured wifi network |
DELETE /networks/<iface> :<ssid> |
iface : the wifi network interface; ssid : the name of the wifi network |
delete a network configuration from /etc/network/interfaces and sqlite database |
DELETE /networks | delete all network configurations from /etc/network/interfaces and sqlite database |