A critical security issue is involved.
An error has been encountered that is preventing utilization.
A request for a new feature or altered behaviour.
Additional information is requested.
Relating to a core aspect of the library such as configuration and initialization.
Issue relates to the MIME e-mail Message object representation.
The issue relates to the Python Packaging aspects of the project.
Issues involving the development of transports.
Relating to a utility or secondary aspect of the library.
Dynamically scaling Futures thread pool executor and delivery manager.
Standard Python Futures-based manager.
Immediate, blocking delivery manager.
Transactional delivery manager, only delivering pending messages on transaction commit.
This issue is blocked pending an external factor.
This issue may be larger in scope, requiring discussion.
This issue or pull request already exists.
This does not seem right and/or will not be worked on.
Improvements or additions to documentation are required.
A minimal, or even better, concrete example needs to be provided.
Performance or resource utilization requires optimization.
Tests are required before acceptance.
Issue identified with upstream dependency.
Good for newcomers to the project to tackle.
Google AppEngine transport.
IMAP mailbox "dead drop" transport.
Python logging message transport.
On-disk UNIX mail directory "dead drop" transport.
Rackspace Mailgun API transport.
On-disk UNIX mailbox file "dead drop" transport.